Reaching the third week of self-isolation, I cannot lie that I start getting worried more and more about this situation. The uncertainty of when this “nightmare” will end and what will happened next is the main concern that I have these days. Trying to keep myself distracting and entertained from this harsh reality I try to get organised and make a weekly plan with all the assignments that I have to do. During this week , I worked on my sketchbook which I have almost finished. Moreover, I made the 3d sketches of the space on Sketch up and finished our website. Also, during this week I had my personal tutorial with my teacher. Overall, I was really happy with the meeting as I think that the tutor was quiet satisfied with the work that I have done so far and gave my some feedback and improvements for the future. Moreover, I we had two video calls with my teammates to share our individual process and work so far and discuss the feedback that the tutors gave to us . So far, everything is going very well and I am really satisfied with our work as a group and my individual process as well. To conclude, my goal for next week is to finish my sketchbook and work on my online portfolio.