Looking back at  the beginning of the week, I would say that it was a busy and at the same time productive week for me . As part as my independent study, I worked on my sketchbook as well as on my portfolio and website. In addition,  on Wednesday I had a meeting with my two tutors for my Placement for next year. This went quite well as I saw that both teachers were satisfied with the work that I have done on my CV, portfolio and cover letter.Moreover, they provided me with helpful feedback that I would take in mind for my next steps on applying to companies for placement. Also, this week I had my presentation with my group about the Fashion Space project. I met several times over the group with the rest of the members of the group to brainstorm, create and perform the presentation. Overall, I was very satisfied with the final idea as I think that connects and reflects the works of the three designers. The presentation took place on Thursday 5 March in front of our tutors and the rest of the class.  After the presentation our teacher gave some ideas and feedbacks for the next steps that we have to take as a group to prepare for the fashion show. Therefore, for the next week my personal  goal is to finalise my CV and Portfolio in order to continue with the  job application and as part of the group to get ready to film short videos and make a test shoot.

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