On Tuesday 6th November a workshop about PR and Journalism took place. During the workshop we were assigned to create a Pr stund and event for another group in our class. We worked with Norty Magazine which is a playful magazine that focuses on the themes of pop-culture, nostalgia and childhood memories. With my team we decided to create an silent disco event that will take place on a high school class. The theme of the event will be “past vs present” and it will highlight the difference between childhood and adult parties. Therefore, on the one hand there will be snacks like Kwenchy Kups, snacks, dj set and ballons. On the hand,  alcohol, food platters, spotify lists, mobile phones  that are omnipresent on all  the adult parties.

Moreover, another group created  an event for our magazine. They came out with a treasuring hunting event around Brighton which will gave the opportunity to people to learn sustainable coffes and restaurants, open markets, charity shops and kilo sales around brighton.Overall, I really enjoyed this workopshop as I understood the importance of PR department and that an well orgnaized event can “skyrocket” a brand. FInally, one thing that I got from the workshop is that an succesful event has to engage the audience and have an element that will attrack their attraction.

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