Journal papers:
-Gallo, M., Magaletti, F., Georgoulas, A. et al. A nanoscale view of the origin of boiling and its dynamics. Nat Commun 14, 6428 (2023).
-Chakraborty, B., Gallo, M., Marengo M. et al. Multi-Scale Modelling of Boiling Heat Transfer: Exploring the Applicability of an Enhanced Volume of Fluid Method in Sub-micron Scales (2024). Manuscript submitted to the International Journal of Thermofluids, invited for a special issue of the journal after an extended abstract ans oral presenation to (status: under review).
Conference Proceedings:
-Bhaskar Chakraborty, Mirko Gallo, Marco Marengo, Joel De Coninck, Carlo Massimo Casciola, Nicolas Miche, Anastasios Georgoulas (2024). An Enhanced Volume of Fluid based Numerical Modelling Aproach for sub-micron scale boiling heat transferProceedings of 7th ASME International Conference of Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, MNHMT2024, August 5-7, 2024, Nottingham, UK (accepted for oral presentation).
– Bhaskar Chakraborty, George Lawrence, Mirko Gallo, Marco Marengo, Anastasios Georgoulas (2023). Towards a Multi-Scale Modelling Approach for Boiling Heat Transfer: Exploring the Applicability of an Enhanced Volume of Fluid Method in Sub-micron Scales. 8th International Conference on Micro and Nano Flows, 18-20 September 2023, Padova, Italy.
-Mirko Gallo, Francesco Magaletti, Anastasios Georgoulas, Marco Marengo, Joel De Coninck, Carlo Massimo Casciola (2023). Capillary Fluctuating Hydrodynamics description of the boiling phenomenon. 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2023, Kobe, Japan, April 2–7.
-Mirko Gallo (2023). Capillary Fluctuating Hydrodynamics for Boiling phenomena. 2023 Micro and Nanoscale Phase Change Phenomena GRC Jenuary 8 – 13, 2023, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco, Lucca, Italy (Poster Presentation).
Invited talks/presentations:
-Bhaskar Chakraborty (2023). Towards a Multi-Scale Modelling Approach for Boiling Heat Transfer: Exploring the Applicability of an Enhanced Volume of Fluid Method in Sub-micron Scales. Post Graduate Researcher Day, University of Brighton, Advanced Engineering Centre, Brighton, UK, 9th November 2023.
-Bhaskar Chakraborty (2024). Towards a Multi-Scale Modelling Approach for Boiling Heat Transfer: Exploring the Applicability of an Enhanced Volume of Fluid Method in Sub-micron Scales. Experimental Methods Synposioum, University of Brighton, Elm House, Brighton, UK, 9th November 2023.
– Mirko Gallo (2023). Capillary fluctuating hydrodynamics description of the boiling phenomenon. Flagship Workshop on Metastability and multiscale effects in interfacial phenomena, March 13 – March 15 2023, CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
-Anastasios Georgoulas (2024). Advanced MUltiscale stochastic Simulations of phase transition (AMUSe). Invited talk, Research and Knowledge Exchange Week Headline Event, Research and Knowledge Exchange Showcase, Thursday 28th of March 2024.