Personal Work- Suburban Neighbourhood

Now don’t get me wrong, I hate reading a comic script made by someone else and reading that I have to draw any kind architecture. It’s something I really need to work on, as it is a necessary evil in a comic book set in the modern day. I think it’s because when I have to use perspective lines in a drawing, its design feels like it’s out of my control. I should have more faith in myself. Anyway, despite everything I’ve said, I actually had a really good time making this. Once I got past the perspective part, I really had a fun time with this panel. It was fun adding all these details in these rows of houses. I liked creating the feeling that the houses behind the houses in the front rows had their own stories and were real. I had a good time and learnt a lot. The only thing I’d change would be to lower the vanishing points on the panel. That way there wouldn’t be a horizon and it would be covered by the larger houses in the foreground.

Personal Project- Character Design

Me and a friend were looking to create a superhero character. I originally wanted to give him a yellow suit design as there weren’t many characters that had that as its main colour. I wasn’t loving the way it was looking though. So, I decided to make the blue part of the suit, that was originally the secondary colour, the main colour. But I wanted it to stay that light baby blue colour. I decided to go with an angel motif. So I tried to pick colours that carried the semiotics you’d associate with an angel. Light blue, white and gold. My biggest takeaway from the first design was that the yellow was way too harsh. So I decided to keep the yellow as the piping, to break up the blue and white parts of the suit. I did a redesign of the pattern of the suit, getting rid of the blue parts on the thighs and sides of the waist. After coming up with the final design, the friend I was working on this with, requested that the colours be tweaked slightly to match the Manchester City colours for his dad. I liked the idea and I think the suit looks pretty rad. I think in the story it will be really cool, due to the very soft and light colours on the suit when it’s covered in blood it will be very striking. Yes it’s that kind of story!

Manchester City colourway variantOriginal Final DesignNew Suit Pattern Design (Un coloured) First Design

Ditchling museum Project- Reflection

I am happy with the dynamic image of the crow, and feel I captured a happy expression on his face – the mouth is almost smiling. There is therefore the sense of anticipation of what he will do when he realises what has happened. I am not so happy with the fox – I think his expression is good, and his stance shows he is about to eat. I would like to revisit the shading and tones I used.

Next time I would try doing it in colour, as it could have created a more expressive scene and stronger characterisation.