

To access my online show through Artsteps, please click here.

Screenshots of online show Between Sheets by Beth Swan.


Map of Gallery


Entrance view: Room One through to Room Two

(please note: the two paintings pictured left are from Semester One)

Room One: From left to right, Dear Diary 01-07 (audio), Four Walls, “Here in our beds until the morning comes”

Room One: view listening to Dear Diary 01-7 (audio) 

Room One: Cocooned and Curled video installation of bedroom gallery with flickering candle

Room One: view of gallery

Room Two: view of gallery

Room Two: from left to right, Aurora, Morning, “Women don’t owe you shit”, “Seven days a week”

Room Two: Because I Said So close up

Room Two: from left to right, Because I Said So, 2am

Room Two: 2am close up

Room Two: view of gallery

Room Two: Between Soft Sheets close up

Room Two: Between Sheets close up

Room Two: from left to right, Between Sheets, Venus

Room Two: Venus close up

Room Two: from left to right, Evergreen, A Light

Room Two: view of gallery