Cybersecurity in Digital Manufacturing – Initial Research

My second module explores the impact of cybersecurity in digital manufacturing chains. Finance, IT, Utilities and Defence sectors have all placed high priority and resources into protecting their digital assets for some time now, but it seems that only recently the manufacturing sector are taking appropriate action.

So where to start? Initially my research will explore cybersecurity in general, why it’s important, how it is implemented and the consequences of poor execution.

Next I intend to look into digital security concerns which are specific to the manufacturing sector, from protecting and tracing IP, motivations to ‘attack’ a manufacturing system and how these organisations should better protect themselves.

This will address current methodologies used as well as future innovations and software changes. I aim to speak with industry experts first hand to understand how seriously the industry and taking the threat of cyber-based attacks.

Following from this, I will look more specifically to additive manufacturing processes, the file formats and techniques currently used and to identify any weaknesses or possible ‘attack vectors’ in the AM workflow. All being well, I will carry out some first hand tests to investigate how a simple desktop 3D print system could be exploited.


Meeting Minutes – 11/05/2018

Date of Meeting: 11/05/2018

Present at Meeting: Ben Freeman, Dr Covill

General Comments:
Initial learning goal meeting to discuss the module outline, early ideas and relevant university staff to contact.

Introduced to Dan and Oli in the UoB 3D Printing studio, dialog with them regarding physical testing to begin soon.


Module plan as follows:

  • Review existing literature on information security and digital manufacturing software.
  • Review current and future manufacturing equipment.
  • Specific research into security in 3D printing.
  • Review relevant standards.
  • Review current approaches to digital manufacturing security.
  • Perform test case experiment.
  • Write up proposal based on test results.


Progress of Previous Action Points:
To update development blog with reflective statements from LG1.

Future Action Points:

  • BF – To start researching specific material on manufacturing information security and test examples.
  • BF – To contact various university staff in the field.
  • DC- To send over links to relevant material for early review.

Topics for Discussion at Next Meeting:

Existing material review,

Date of Next Meeting: 2 weeks time.

LG1 Reflective Statement – Practical Work

A decision early on in planning my work for this module was to include where possible some hands-on experience using some 3D printing equipment, which was implemented during my case study for OSET Bikes Ltd. This was an enjoyable task and was good to take a break from writing about these techniques and actually apply them in person. It was useful to apply these practical skills to the submission, despite my lack of formal training and limited experience with the equipment. I feel this will provide a good benchmark and will be interesting to compare to 3D printed practical work later on in the course, to show some skills progression.

LG1 Reflective Statement – Report Writing

A mistake I quickly fell into when writing the submission for the LG1 module, was ‘regurgitating’ facts, without analysing or being critical or them. On reflection, I believe this stemmed from a lack of clarity on my part, of the intended audience of this report. My intention was to create a visual report suitable for a newcomer to the topic, but with some general engineering and/or design experience. It was later clarified that my audience is predominantly those who are assessing it and therefore the content should be tailored for a greater level of engineering education. This was a mistake on my part and I believe a simple fix for future submissions, by clarifying the finer details of a submission with course staff at the start of a module, before producing a first draft.

LG1 Reflective Statement – Research Sources

Upon beginning my research, I was immediately struck by the lack of books or documentation available in the universities library on the subject, which is perhaps to be expected considering the relatively short time that AM has been considered in academic purposes. That being said, access to the majority of scientific and engineering journals through the academic licenses proved to be a useful resource. 

Much of my research came from publicly available articles and publications, a very useful example was the UK advisory group AMUK. The organisation have released many publications, full of useful insights, quotes and further reading references.

LG1 Reflective Statement – Course Structure

I found the informal, ad-hoc meetings with course staff to suit my self-guided studying style and were very useful. My part-time studying has to fit around my work schedule, so the lack of compulsory lectures or scheduled seminars suited my situation perfectly well, allowing my study hours to be flexible. I feel the process of only arranging a meeting with course staff when I have compiled research or discussion points before-hand to work well, resulting in fewer but far more productive discussions. 

Something that I should improve for future modules would be more formalised note taking and to ensure progress against the outlined action points are met between each session. Whilst the notes I have are perfectly useful, it would be better to track who makes each suggestion or comment, when it was made and if it was followed up before the subsequent meeting. This also ties into the lack of reflective blog posts I have made so far, something which should be improved immediately.

LG1 Reflective Statement – Networking

Key industry contacts were gained from visiting networking events such as the UK TCT show in Birmingham, an introductory 3D printing workshop hosted by Stratasys or a guided tour of the MTC facility in Coventry. Introducing myself as an Msc student in additive manufacturing and explaining the course in detail, were well received by these contacts, who unanimously seemed to agree that it was time AM was covered in more depth at higher education level. This is evident as in the past 24 months, no fewer than seven UK universities are now offering an Msc course in this field.

The majority of industry professionals I approached were more than willing to help out where possible, with invitations to interview them, answer technical questions or site visits to see first hand their use of the technology offered. Unfortunately the module time-scale became a limiting factor and allowing for busy schedules meant I could not take up some of these offers. For future first-hand research, I will aim to arrange these appointments earlier on in the module, which should allow for cancellations and diary clashes. To do this, I aim to employ improved project management tools, such as gantt and progress charts.

On reflection, I believe these events and seminars are invaluable to those hoping to gain useful insights into a new industry or to learn more on a broader level, but expectations should match the technical know-how of the audience and the content being delivered. For example, many visitors to the TCT show were hobbyists/enthusiasts and as such the content of the majority of discussions and seminars were tailored for very entry-level discussion topics. In contrast, the Stratasys workshop was pitched at industrial users of AM equipment, looking to upgrade to their newest models, so a level of knowledge is presumed and as such the seminars were far more advanced.

For more detailed specifics, I received much better results by privately contacting the speakers afterwards, most of whom were happy to discuss their topics in further detail. I believe their willingness to help my studies, stems from a wider understanding that for the industry as a whole to continue to grow and mature, it will require those involved to become better educated in the subject.

LG1 Reflective Summary

This LG1 module was predominantly spent researching additive manufacturing / 3D printing technology, the market drivers and examples of cutting-edge applications. Combined with the professional networking aspect, the module proved to be an ideal introductory activity for the rest of the Msc course.

Whilst investigating the current state of the industry and discussing wth those who are working in the field, several topics and ideas more relevant for future modules on the course were brought to my attention, which could be explored further at a later date.