“My final major project, Design Privitruism, is an exploration of the privilege of the designer, and how that determines the macro/meso/micro level of pro-social design interventions.”

“My final major project, Design Privitruism, is an exploration of the privilege of the designer, and how that determines the macro/meso/micro level of pro-social design interventions.”
These are difficult times and in recognition of the theme of Kindness in Mental Health Awareness Week, Product Design student Benjamin Ronnie has been speaking about his very relevant and timely project.
Got any questions about studying Architecture, Interior Architecture or Product Design at Brighton? If you’re an applicant or thinking of applying then sign up for an informal online chat with lecturers and students on the course. Read More
James Tooze assembled the team from the School of Architecture and Design to respond to an urgent call for more PPE for those working with patients with coronavirus.
From a robotic elephant to a full body scanner, Poppy Mosbacher’s inventions are attracting national recognition. Read More
“I’m hoping that the concept will encourage the user to question how the urban environments work and draw attention to the need for greater ecological unity in the urban environments we build for ourselves.” Read More
“I wanted to design for the preteen and teenage market to build upon the experience I gained at Disney during my placement year.” Read More
“Coming from a foreign country and having never studied in a UK based school or college, I couldn’t have asked for a better place to be, I’ve had the most amazing time!”
“The idea of my product stemmed from my growing concern with the children enduring and living the current global refugee crisis.” Read More
” The work I’ve been doing this year has been to explore the detrimental effects of stress within the workplace and has aimed to alter our perceptions of stress by improving well-being in the workplace.
A team of five University of Brighton students have picked up a £2,000 prize for designing a new system to help disabled wheelchair users to paint. Read More
The award-winning Laserlight designed by Product Design with Professional Experience graduate Emily Brooke is being trialled on New York’s Citi Bikes fleet. Read More
An app to help children choose healthy food has been developed by a University of Brighton ‘genius’ Ben Le Brocq. Read More
Helios Touch, designed by James Vanderpant during his final year studying Product Design, is now available to buy with the help of Dyena, a company who specialise in engine design and maritime architecture. Read More