Vibha Daryanani tells us how covering a variety of topics and experiencing different technologies on her Media degree helped her discover a new passion.

Vibha Daryanani tells us how covering a variety of topics and experiencing different technologies on her Media degree helped her discover a new passion.
“I loved my time in Brighton is a beautiful and vibrant city where to study. My influences for my final project are Tina Barney, Richard Billingham, Philip-Lorca di Corcia. However, I admire the work of photographers such as Nan Goldin, Alec Soth, and Ren Hang, which are the photographer which always inspire me.”
We chatted to Holly Smith who studied Media Studies BA(Hons) at Brighton – hear about her experiences of the course. Read More
The creatitivity and innovation of the city is celebrated and explored at this annual festival (13 September – 13 October 2018) which of course sees contributions from our staff and students from our media subjects. Read More
“This photographic project investigates anxiety within young females living in the UK, exploring the feelings and emotions that occur when an individual becomes anxious or experiences an anxiety attack.” Read More
Media Studies graduate and published poet Thomas Wolfe is running a competition to help emerging voices be heard and become published. Read More