“I’ve met so many amazing and inspiring people and produced work I’m really proud of.”
Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences
My work traverses the lines between science and art with a focus on the physicality and psychology of sound. I tend to explore different mediums to achieve this whether it be through audio visual work on loss and decay, soundscapes composed of manipulated field recordings to bring new perspectives of listening or experimenting with the effects of frequencies on the human body.
My influences have shifted hugely through the past few years, especially with studying Digital Music & Sound Art. I’d say at present my biggest influences are Xiu Xiu, Aphex Twin and The X-Files. And of course, my friends, course-mates and lecturers!
How have you found your course and what made you choose it?
I’ve absolutely adored my time on DMSA, it’s opened my mind and art direction in so many different ways, I’ve met so many amazing and inspiring people and produced work I’m really proud of. Before I joined, I’d never really heard of, or knew, what Sound Art was, so getting to learn and be opened up that whole world has been incredible. I think what drew me into the course was that it’s a non-traditional music course, one situated in a fairly new field, it doesn’t matter if you have a background in music or sound, anyone who is passionate about exploring the avenues of sound is welcome on DMSA.
Was the location of your course in Brighton more important than you thought it would be?
Hugely important. Brighton is a creative and freeing place, there’s so many independent artists working here and there’s always something going on that inspires me. Not only that but as a trans person, being surrounded by so many other LGBT people has made it easier for me to become more comfortable with myself and in exploring different things. Also can’t forget the beauty of being by the coast and being able to swim in the sea!
What are your plans after graduation?
At the moment it’s open ended! I think the most important thing for me after graduating is to be able to stay in Brighton. I’m hoping to take my final year project into galleries and do more instillation work as well. There are so many avenues I’d like to explore so I’m pretty open to it all.
If you could give your 16 year old self any advice about going to University what would it be?
I guess to be open minded and be excited, but to also know it’s going to be rough at times (especially starting during a global pandemic). University isn’t just about academia or creativity, it’s also about learning to be independent, becoming confident in your work, and finding comfort in what you do.
Find out more about Vince’s/Thaumiel’s work
bandcamp link; https://thaumiel.bandcamp.com/album/grain
Youtube; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIExkGyDJl4CpghJuTZbvKQ
Find out more about BA(Hons) Digital Music and Sound Art