Graduates 2022: Anastasios Nyfadopoulos: Fine Art MA


Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

It is about me, you and us.

About our relationships.

With each other. With our environments.

Banksy, Marina Abramovic, and Meredith Monk have been dear companions along the way.

How have you found your course and time at Brighton?

Multifaceted, focused and honest.

I have been a sculptor for all of my adult life.

My never-ending love.

I now perform as a living sculpture too.

My newly found lover.

We all share an open relationship. Performance flows into sculpture. Sculpture flows into performance.


How did you choose your course – why did you choose to study Fine Art?

To not be confined to the medium, I chose Fine Art over Sculpture.

Charlie Hooker inspired me to enrol in this course instead of the other five universities that offered me a place.


What are your plans after graduation?

Select the gallery that is attracted to my work, understands my value, and knows how to best represent me so that we both reach our ambitions, while offering me the flexibility to fulfil my artistic vision. What vision?

To continue finding value in each person, each line of a poem, each thing, even when I am not searching for something. And weaving the values that interconnect us in the body of my artworks.



Instagram: @anastasiosnyfa

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