6th March

This morning really started feeling spring like at last, celandines and wood anemones are just about opening and the sound of queen bumble bees hunting for food before building a nest was heard all around the woodland. We split into groups and tackled path building and cleaning up the site where we had recently coppiced hazel. I had a go at building a drainage system which relieved a particularly wet part of the path by Derek’s bridge. The idea is that rain water flows with the positioned pieces of cut wood into the stream below – we will keep an eye on what happens!
Sadly some people still tie bags of dog pooh for us to dispose of – I wonder why they do this?

signs of spring with celandines opening around a bubbling river
wood anenomes are also awakening
a deepish trench is dug encouraging water to seep into the river below
directional pieces of coppiced wood helps protect the depth of the trench
clearing up after the hazel coppicing produced an extra pile of path building material
sadly this still happens occasionally

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