Monitoring and Evaluation

One of the key aspects of the WeValue approach is that it can lead to the development of measurable indicators for values, through linking values to specific actions, feelings or perceptions in a given context.

The WeValue approach has so far been used successfully used to develop monitoring and evaluation systems with over 8 projects and organisations (visit the research page to find out where results have been published).

The indicators developed for values-based evaluation can be similar across contexts, however, measures for values will necessarily be context-dependent. This means that one group’s results can’t be compared directly with anyone else’s. Nobody will come along and tell you that you only have 50% trust in your organisation, or that you’re ranked 23rd in your town for transparency.

Completed monitoring and evaluation projects:

  • Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change programme (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), Sierra Leone project and headquarters in Switzerland.
  • Liderazgo Juvenil para la Sustentabilidad Forestal programme, Reforestamos México A.C., Mexico
  • Little Green Pig, UK
  • Brighton Peace and Environment Centre, Commercial Carbon Conversations programme, UK
  • Peoples’ Theatre, Germany
  • Juatarhu youth programme and Schools reforestation programme, Echeri Consultores, Mexico
  • e-GLO online course, Earth Charter Initiative, Costa Rica

Please click here, to see a booklet providing an introduction to assessment methods for values-focused evaluation and below are a selection of 4 case-studies:

WeValue-Lush_case-study-thumb WeValue-Guanajuato_case-study-thumb WeValue-Echeri_case-study-thumb WeValue-PeoplesTheatre_case-study-thumb









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