Week 9 Globalisation

From the lecture and seminar of week 9 my understanding of the word globalisation grew in a media sense. Before I thought globalisation was the mainly the coming together of people/movements due to quick transporting of information like email, text, and physical letters. This was in some way correct, our lecture spoke how it is the linking of local and global. From this I could understand globalisation from more of a business perspective, where the internet allows multinational companies to continue being powerful. Globalisation is kind of the main companies we see advertised every day, branching out in every possible way they can (to other countries) to take market share where they know they can.

We then discussed the effects this poses to smaller businesses on less economic land. Yes, it definitely creates room for jobs in different countries.
However, the real money is in creating your own business, and in a country where comglomerates dominate it should make this harder to happen.
– “Contested – Global capitalism aggravates dependency of the weaker nations on foreign intervention in the form of aid or investment”

Besides this we also spoke about the way we can internationally move around the world, which is part of the idea of globalisation. We wondered whether or not the world is actually our oyster or are we restricted? We spoke about tourists, refugees, students, guest workers.

We spoke about some reactions against uneven nature of Globalisation
A growing awareness of unfair nature & unequal relations
Global capitalism & free tape mainly benefit rich

Anti-capitalist movements – Milan Expo as well as Occupy London