Sun’s out?

I've been busy and it's been raining. But today was the perfect 
opportunity to rally some troops and go skate. Having checked 
the weather yesterday, me and Isaac knew we had to get up 
Hollingdean's hill early to get decent play time in before the 
rain in the afternoon. Most of the regulars were there just 
because the past few days it's been damp n wet. We spoke to them
and like us they were glad to see the sun make an appearance. 

Hey, we realised we rely on weather apps and the weather itself 
for us to be able to plan a day of fun in some fresh air. Rain 
makes for a slippery surface and makes us very upset and sometimes 
sulk. But you know what, the more we continue to mess up our 
planet and cause global warming, the happier the skate community 
will be. The human race are pretty sick at that as well so I see 
big horizons for us as we edge closer to summer.

Anyway lols, the rain started falling around 4pm so me and Isaac 
made a hasty escape back down the almost fully wet hill, which 
didn't stop our gnarly selves neither our Spitfire wheels. I now 
find myself in Subway eating a chicken and bacon footlong, cos 
you know, what's more rewarding than that after a day of playing 
with some friends hehe.
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