Student Advice Service – Money Matters

News from the Student Advice Service at the University of Brighton

The Student Advice Service is supporting Mental Health Awareness Week

We know that money worries have a significant impact on our mental wellbeing and the pressures of managing your money on a tight student budget is very stressful.

In 2016 we, along with our universities, asked our students to comment on how they felt their finances affected their mental health. The findings were collated by NASMA, the National Association of Student Money Advisers, which all of our Student Advisers are members of. You can access a summary report here. The report contains some interesting statistics and suggestions from students about how you can improve your mental health, but also some useful feedback for services such as ours as to how can support our students better and what the barriers to seeking support might be, so do take a look.

On the back of this survey, we produced a booklet for students entitled Students, Money and Mental Health. You can pick up one of these booklets at any of the Student Advice Service drop in sessions or access it online here (if you make it full screen you can open it like a book)

If you are experiencing any money problems and this is affecting your mental health, we can help you.

Contact the Student Advice Service at your campus or give us a ring on 01273 642888 to make an appointment. You can find our contact times and locations here

Student Advice Service

Helen Abrahams • May 17, 2018

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