jacko’s formulation

Formulation for Jack (not sure on what approach I used)

Jacks psychological issues may have started from the pressure he was under to potentially take over his fathers business when of age. The fear of his abusive father exacerbated this, witnessing his father be violent to his mother and other siblings may have caused Jack to have even more pressure that he would have to be the protector of the family.
Jacks alcohol abuse may be a learnt behaviour after watching his father abuse alcohol for so long. Regardless of the Fathers abusive nature and excessive alcohol consumption Jack still looked up to his father. Jacks alcohol abuse could have started as an imitation of his father. Due to the alcohol consumption from an early age a once promising student Jack went on to fail his GCSE’s . Jack efforts at school were thwarted by his parents splitting up at this time and his father leaving. These added stress to Jack’s life as he was now the male of the house. Jack also couldn’t comprehend why his father had left and didn’t want any contact with him. Although his father leaving was detrimental to his families life, i.e. losing the family home and forcing Jack’s mother to work, Jack still wanted contact. This feeling of rejection from his idealised father may have caused the start of depression as Jack may have felt he was not good enough. Another close relationship Jack had was with his boss at the age of 14, this was a professional relationship that his boss abused and sexually abused Jack. This added to the fear and uncertainty that all people are abusive and let you down.
The move of house into central Bristol only worsened Jack’s insecurities and substance abuse. Their family home constantly got broken into leading his family and Jack to feel unsafe in his surroundings. Also, Bristol is renowned for its drug culture, this is something Jack could not resist. Then partially funding his habits with petty theft. Due to his substance misuse Jack could not hold down a job for longer than a couple of months. This along with his substance misuses and mood swings resulted in Jack having violent arguments with his mother. Jack’s mother could not deal with Jack anymore and kicked him out. Being homeless made Jacks insecurities worse as he felt unsafe without a home and rejected by his mother, this exacerbated his feeling of being rejected by his father. At this time Jack was referred to psychiatric services who diagnosed jack as depressed. These symptoms seemed to subside briefly as Jack was in touch with a project for the homeless, this gave Jack some stability and purpose.
Jack’s mother then developed some serious health issues and was financially in a bad place. At this time Jack began to develop his on mental health issues getting diagnosed with Paranoia and persistent delusional disorder. The Paranoia may have developed by the constant battle Jack has had his whole life. That when something is good something bad happens and the lack of stability and safety gave him paranoia around his life. Regarding the delusions the excessive substance abuse along with the physical, emotion and sexual abuse have mental scared jack into having these delusions. This was not helped by Jack not receiving the correct care at the time of the incidents as therapy could have aloud Jack to talk about these issues rather than living with the burden of them. the delusions were of Robbie Williams who may be seen as a strong male role model something Jack did not have. This could have made him intimidated of him therefore creating the delusions that he would beat Jack up or had raped his sister. Regarding the delusion of Williams raping Jacks sister, this maybe down accounted for Jack being sexually abused himself and feeling helpless about this and he sees his sister in a similar circumstance to himself due to their similar up bring. This may be why He believes these delusions. Jack also had a delusion of seeing himself as his Dad in the mirror, this maybe down to the fact he believes he has turned into his Dad by being abusive and abusing alcohol. All these delusions enviably saw Jack admitted to hospital at the request of his family. This gave him the stability he needed, and he started to see improvements and became more settled. Jack willing took medication which was very beneficial although not all his delusions had gone. Yet he finally had a professional to talk to this about, which was a positive for Jack.