Informal chat with Mark

As a very helpful pause for reflection I spoke to Mark about my project this afternoon. We spoke about the direction which I could take my project focusing on my core concept of marrying the physical experience with the digital. We discussed ways in which AR could be used to encourage people outside of their houses to explore certain spaces and how Pokemon GO is a good example of this. Off the back of this conversation I am motivated to go forward and research this idea further so that I will be able to mock up and prototype visions I have for this platform.

I expressed the importance of my digital platform being supported by a tangible and tactile experience (possibly in the experience of a posted package) and so Mark also encouraged me to look at the definition of Magazine as we believed it to be originally a collection of objects. I found that originally a ‘storehouse’ progressing to specifically refer to that of an ammunition store, the word has evolved to mean, “periodical journal containing miscellaneous writings”, which intrigues me as a definition because I feel it strips back what we commonly perceived of a magazine and deconstructs it to its bare bones. I like the idea of my final piece involving this sort of sentiment, miscellaneous objects and writings (and digital platform?) connected through a vague narrative.