The Importance of Viral Marketing in Launching a New Product (Blog post 3)

         The Importance of Viral Marketing in Launching a New Product


Viral marketing is the goal of many companies looking to leverage the social media space to promote their products. ASOS is one of these companies that could promote the new products through viral videos with partnering with different websites such as NETFLIX. There are few different ways to up the company chance to going viral on social media to promote a new product while making sure it will be spread successfully. (Olenksi,2018)


  1. Focus On High Quality Content Before Investing In Advertising

Content creation it is an important part of the advertising campaign. Most brands focused on advert more that content which is that makes it unsuccessful. While successful brands certainly have great marketing strategies, they also regularly put out quality content to keep customers engaged. (Scott, D.M., 2009)


  1. Know Your Audience

It is crucial to know who are our target audience are to make sure the content of the advert suit them. That is help to make a campaign spread viral.


  1. Partnering With Influencers

As I mentioned above partnership is one of the main key to promote the product, as soon as we recognized our audience we could start to promote through relevant partnership website such as NETFLIX or using media influencers as the there are similarities between these partners audience with ASOS.


  1. Get Your Content Reposted On Popular Accounts

There are a variety of social medias platform such as tweeter, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram to use. For example a teenage Target employee that went viral on Twitter after a picture of him was posted online. After the picture was posted, thousands of users retweeted it, and it went viral overnight.(Olenksi,2018)


  1. Tell A Relatable Story Through Your Content

It is important to tell a through story. Company can create a video series where they use product or feature brand throughout their life. If the audience resonates with the character, they’ll be more likely to want to associate with the brand and the new product.


  1. Keep It Short And To The Point

There are more people today than ever before that suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder, better known as ADD. We all have way too many things to distract us in the real world let along the social media one. And then are those devices we cannot live without. Or as one very telling headline in The Telegraph put it a few years ago: Humans have shorter attention span than goldfish, thanks to smartphones (Olenksi,2018)


  1. Utilize Interactive Content

It is important to use the interactive content we could do that with creating a quiz in social media or including a free give away gift. A good example of The Best Digital Advertising Trends of 2018:


  • There are six principles of Viral marketing which can make the promote product successful (Khalid, 2019)


Risks/disadvantages of the viral marketing

As much as viral videos gain an increase in audience engagement, elements could be risky and conclusively unsuccessful. There area few reasons, which could make an advert, fail. (Redmond,2017)

  • Wrong audience target; it’s important to make sure targeting related audience due to the age, gender, interest etc. otherwise whole plan might goes wrong.
  • Ethical consideration, online privacy issue
  • Hard to measured,
  • Negative buzz, some times instead of receiving positive feedback on the viral advert everything might go wrong and receive the opposite; this would negatively influence the targeted business. An example of the very unsuccessful advert video. “Full Pepsi Commercial Starring Kendal Jenner”

Goals To the Video Marketing Strategy

Goal-setting is a crucial task for every professional and every brand; it’s what keeps the business growing and succeeding. Using the S.M.A.R.T. method to set goals is a simple, tried and true way of approaching future steps toward success. (Mc Caughey,2018) Setting Marketing Objectives and Measuring Digital Marketing:









De Veirman, M., Cauberghe, V. and Hudders, L., 2017. Marketing through Instagram influencers: the impact of number of followers and product divergence on brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising36(5), pp.798-828.

Eckler, P. and Bolls, P., 2011. Spreading the virus: Emotional tone of viral advertising and its effect on forwarding intentions and attitudes. Journal of Interactive Advertising11(2), pp.1-11.

Khalid, l 2018 “Importance of viral marketing” [Online]Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2019]

Mc Caughey, k 2018,” How to apply the S.M.A.R.T goals to your video marketing strategy” [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2019]

Olenksi, s, 2018[Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2019]

Redmond, J 2018 Disadvantage of viral marketing [ Online] Available at: [Accessed Feb2019]

Scott, D.M., 2009. The new rules of marketing and PR: how to use social media, blogs, news releases, online video, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly. John Wiley & Sons.