Taking the university to the community and back

The School of Social Science has always emphasised the applied nature of the degrees we have on offer.  This characteristic is particularly important to an area of study – social policy – that consciously aims to promote wellbeing and actively seeks to bring about progressive social change. The way we approach social policy at Brighton goes even further in that we aim to seamlessly bring together the work of community organisations with our students’ learning through long term placements as an integral part of their degrees in years two and three. The strategy must be working if we consider the enthusiastic desire on the part of these students, to respond to a growing social problem of homelessness in Brighton, by supporting the fundraising efforts of local organisations working in this area. What began as ‘a bit of fun’ – an extracurricular activity that lecturer and students could do together – turned out to provide ample opportunities for growth. Sleeping rough for one night to fundraise was only the visible part of this. In the process, students engaged in campaigning and advocacy, being interviewed by the local radio station about the action and its significance;  they engaged in setting up a marketing strategy and fundraising hundreds of pounds for a local organisation; above all, they engaged in deep learning, by what I mean, the type of learning that challenges received wisdom and promotes personal growth leading to changes in the way we relate to the world. The experience has had a strong effect on students, their ability to relate their studies to the real world, and their relationship to the university and staff. I can think of no better vote of confidence on this programme of study.

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