vertical project show – 24-02-17

As a result of the vertical project, an end of project show was arranged. Everyone had the chance to exhibit their current final products and it was a bit of fun for the first and second years to mix a bit more. Me, Jonny and Holly were able to show a first draft of our embarrassing stories zines and I think they went down quite well, people seemed to pick them up and have a chuckle. I really enjoyed seeing how others had interpreted the brief, as it was quite broad. Some people had taken a childhood memory and represented that by recreating something or chasing something from that time. Others had chosen to portray serious, sad memories the stuck out to them, and some had portrayed some more light hearted, family memories.

Some of my favourite outcomes included:

-a period starter pack, that included some chocolate, a little info book, spare pants and more.
-a video review of different childhood chewing gum
-a recreation of a teenage bedroom

I think I liked all of these so much because they resinate with memories I also have.

In terms of the outcome I showed at the “exhibition”, i feel it is definitely not as good as it could be. I’d like to play around with backgrounds and fonts, print it a little bit bigger, and maybe Japanese stitch a little book.








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