
Mise-En-Scene: translating to “seen on stage”, mise-en-scene for a film can be in reference to anything that can be seen on screen, whether it is the set or the performance being put on by the actor, if it is seen on screen, it counts as mise-en-scene.

Shot reverse shot: Usually used during a discussion between two characters, the camera cuts back between the two characters when they speak.

Pan/Track/Zoom: Panning is when the movement of the camera mimics that of a head moving from left to right. A tracking shot is a shot that follows the subject, usually from behind. Zooming is closing in on the subject, this can be done with the camera or in post.

Psychoanalysis: A way to treat mental health issues by bringing thoughts from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind. In film is can be seen as the idea that the camera knows no bounds so it is able to bring the viewer anywhere so they can see anything.

Suture: Using techniques such as the shot reverse shot to make the audience to forget that we are watching something that a camera shot.

The gaze: The idea that an average cinema goer is a middle aged white man, so a film to be made for someone who fits that description which may mean explosions and sex.

Audience: The person who watches the film.

Representation: How a group of people are shown (or not shown) in a piece of media.

Montage: A style of editing which means that if you rearrange the shots, they can still make sense.

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