Nursing course curriculum and year planner

Following the internal scrutiny event on 16th November; the feedback from the curriculum development group and the School Academic Scrutiny committee has been incorporated into the nursing course curriculum.

The attached Year planner and module information has the plan for the sequencing of modules and placement and the list of modules and their related assessments.  See separate tabs on the excel worksheet.

Thank you for all your contributions and effort in realising the curriculum.

We have mapped the curriculum to the NMC Standards and the majority is clearly mapped, there are still some sections that are outstanding or could be more comprehensive which we can discuss at the next curriculum deveopment group meeting

Ongoing feedback appreciated…

Draft curriculum – FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT

Below is the draft curriculum of the new course, you will see that modules that will be undertaken by all fields have more detail, whereas the field specific modules are still to be confirmed:


The curriculum has been mapped against the new NMC-Standards-Mapping

The curriculum should be read in conjunction with the:

Please add comments to this post or send to Jessica Mills

The draft curriculum is also supported by the following strategies:

Learning and teaching

Assessment and feedback

Practice Learning

Nursing and Midwifery Council Pre-registration Nursing Education Standards DRAFT

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) have released the draft version of the standards which are in response to the consultation, these are for discussion at the NMC council in April 2018.  Following this discussion there is anticipated to be only minor changes and the definitive document will then be released in May.

DRAFT NMC Pre-registration Education Standards.pdf

Relevant sections for the Educational framework and Nursing Standards/Proficiencies are from pages 51 – 118.