LM111 Week 2

Blog entry 1 on the 13/2/18 LM111

This is my first blog entry due in for tomorrow, as I had my lesson yesterday detailing exactly what we must include in these blogs, I fear I do not have time to do the full readings. However, I will start as of next week.

In yesterdays lesson we learned about Analogue media. Before that, introducing this lecture/seminar, the lecturer talked to us about the difference between content media and distribution media. Content media is video, text, image, sound etc whilst distribution media is wifi, satellites, landlines etc. Content media is what can be shared via distribution media.

This leads on to analogue media. Defined as “one set of physical properties can be stored in another”. Meaning to reproduce and store media and data. Analogue media can be like a basic telephone or a (non-smart) television. The cons with analogue media is that its

  • heavy
  • slow (slower to other, newer, technology)
  • expensive
  • limited with that it can do

this type of analogue technology was only produced by professionals.

In contrast to this, digitisation is basically the convergence of these different, separate technologies.  All digital content can be shared via any network. digital convergence that can be accessed by any device.

  • digital signal can be compressed
  • high speed
  • easy to manipulate
  • low cost
  • more roles for more users

In this lesson we learnt the difference between analogue and digital media, how its distributed and what there pros and cons are. The convergence in media allowing one device, for example; a smart phone, to fulfil the functions of many, has benefited society greatly – making tasks easier and more accessible for the masses.


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One thought on “LM111 Week 2

  1. Maygen, this is a very good start into this assignment and I liked the way you were able to follow the brief and put your learning: yo were able to put yourself at the centre and use first person which I know is not easy in academic writing. You demonstrate awareness of all requirements of this exercise, as noted in the bullet-point list on page 9 of your Module outline, which I copy below. I look forward to reading your subsequent work where you wil also be citing authors/readings.
    1. Have I used 250 words?
    2. Have I used the required writing style, including first person reflection?
    3. Have I illustrated my understanding of key readings through my critical discussion of theories or concepts relevant to this week’s topic?
    4. Have I explained these concepts in my own words?
    5. Have I included short quotes from the readings?
    6. Have I chosen examples from my own experience to illustrate?
    7. Have I used Harvard in text referencing? (http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm) for all academic readings and online sources used in my blog post?
    8. Have I mentioned discussions that took place during this week’s seminar?
    9. Have I met the submission deadline?

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