I have started looking into various backdrops and locations that could be ideal for getting across a deconstructed theme without taking the attention from the clothing and concept away. I thought it could be an effective idea in trying to bring the composition of the Renaissance painting into my work as Raphael’s packed out aesthetic is a key technique of his movement in work. I thought maybe i could create a setting or backdrop that matches the character’s positions around the main focus character within the painting which would allow his painting techniques to filter through more into my work and the theme of the Renaissance would become more obvious this way. I was interested in the shapes created with the metal back drop here, almost resembling an instrument that is of thick barbed wire. The shapes allow the fabrics and textures to become a lot more fluid through the composition which i need to consider when deconstructing my garments so they dont become too sharp and apparent – more like they are supposed to be like that. This could also be achieved by using a setting that seems quite packed out with various layers such as an art studio with frames or cardboard. Maybe i need to experiment with own made backdrops where i have used similar fabrics blended into it like these images have, so it ties the pictures together instead of creating seperate levels between model, clothing and setting.

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