All of my reflective posts and updates on all of my projects

Category AD396- Portfolio Promotion

Database Building

For the database I have listed a number of creatives that I look at and would like to work with or perhaps to intern for in order to develop my visual style further. The creatives I have listed also tend… Continue Reading →

Box Making

For a physical portfolio I have decided to develop and analogue spinning box which engages the audience with my work. In the progress of developing the box, I have designed the pieces on InDesign and had them cut in black… Continue Reading →

Business Card Design

In the development of promotional materials, I have also considered the use of a business card. Following my visit to the UoB graduate show last year I was very aware that many students had not bothered with business cards and… Continue Reading →

Boohoo Social Media Award

Having had my tutorial with Jules last week, I was made aware of Jules’ nomination for the Boohoo Social Media award at GFW. For this award I need to develop and submit an instagram page that communicates fashion/ work effectively…. Continue Reading →

Web SEO and Search Engine work

Having set up my website, I am trying to create easy access for the public to discover my work throuhg search engines. Also having googled myself I found that a lot of images with old work had been on top… Continue Reading →

CV Design

In the process of developing promotional materials I have re-designed my CV. Instead of sticking by  a standard word docuemnt file I wanted to develop a creative cv that was professional and demonstarted my layout skills. IN the development of… Continue Reading →

Developing film Strips

In the development of the spinning box I have had to consider the film strips, their size and what I actually what them to show. Initally I had considered in having a frame from each different scene to give the… Continue Reading →

Spinner Box Portfolio

In consideration of how to present my films wihtin a physical portfolio, I have done research on some retro movie viewers. In this I found different designs however these seemed very inticate and difficult and I was hoping ot find… Continue Reading →

Domain Purchase

In the process of updating my online portfolio, I have taken the opportunity to get on board with the wix 50% discount and decided to purchase my own domain name. My domain is now I decided to purchase a… Continue Reading →

Online Presence

This week we have discussed the different online platforms that we use and how we use them. Discussing many platforms reaching from bebo to Google+ allowed us all to see as a group how we have moved with the technology,… Continue Reading →

Portfolio Review

In our first session of the portoflio module, we met as a class adn brought in various images we had done. In this we discussed possible ways to lay them out and our online presence. In this session I had… Continue Reading →

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