Having set up my website, I am trying to create easy access for the public to discover my work throuhg search engines. Also having googled myself I found that a lot of images with old work had been on top of the results which is not what I like. In this I have removed my old Flickr account so that the images can re moved from the google search. However a 3rd party site has the flickr images posted which has now been reported and hopefully removed.

For my personal website I have completed all of the SEO guidelines. This included adding tags, Page texts and more. This has now been completed and the website is connected to search engines. However this is not a simple process and y website will not come up directly in search of my name as it need to gain more population, connections to other popular sites and needs more engagement. In order to do this, I have labelled all of my images on the website correctly so that the tags that are search hopefully show my images.

When it comes to third party images, I have used pinterest to network my images further. In the search I noticed that a lot of my pins had come up and therefore I used pinterested to  network the images. I used the pinterest pin button from my website to directly pin into boards, this means that a link to the website is autaomatically added to all of the pins and it creates a direct link from my work to my website.

The next steps involve more networking and displaying works accross between other sites similar to pinterest.