For this project I have gone to see the works of Martin Parr which are exhibited at the Tate Britain. Martin Parr is a British born documentary Photographer who maintains a unique perspective of the world. Parr is mostly known for his photographic works that combine the intimate and satirical outlook to documentation of criticism, seduction and humour.

Parr documentats England’s social classes and the wealth of the Western world. which makes it so exciting, although he is capturing the occurring, a time in space; he is able to show and teach the society about itself, capturing our life styles, values and personal presentation.

Across his works it is clear that it examines three key concepts which are the idea of consumption, leisure and communication. Many photographers focus on documenting a certain community or area; however Parr’s travels have enabled him to examine national characteristics and international marvels to test their validity as national symbols.

For this project I really feel that Parr’s visuals translate effectively the normal and the unplanned whihc I find really exciting. It is his strong colour palettes that initially attract the eye but is when you consider the composition and the humourous aspects of what is captured that you beign to understand the photo. I really enjoy his works as they are easily readable yet contain so much excitement.