“I was going through some photographs, I had no hope of finding her”(Barthes, 1982:p.63)

“If I were to show those photographs to friends, I could doubt that these photographs would speak”(Barthes, 1982:p.64)

“History is hysterical, it is constituted only if we consider it, only if we look at it and in order to look at it, we must be excluded from it”(Barthes, 1982:p.65)

“Dreams can be compared to being confronted to photographs”(Barthes,1982:p.66) 

For me, the most significant point that resonated with me the most was the idea of history with relation to photographs being favorable when some crisis happens (loss of a loved one) In general, as human beings we don’t feel comfortable about going back to the deal with our past. However, it is a completely different story when it comes to looking at old photos. Photographs can bring a feeling of nostalgia. We really need photographs so that we could remember our loved ones who had passed or simply the moments of happiness as well as sadness. My project is about my life with a disability, my aim is to track the transformation which has lead to my new perspective of self.   I am confident enough to admit that my transformation was influenced by my history!  I am not scared to look back and reflect on who I used to be and who I am right now! My portfolio will happen to be a reflection of own identity. In years to come, I will get the unique opportunity of looking at my portfolio photos which will forever serve as visual proof of my transformation

Barthes, R. (1982). La cámara lúcida. Barcelona: Paidós.

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