Pier Shoot – Reflection

I took these photographs on Brighton Pier during sunset in winter. My aim for this shoot was to explore different camera settings in low-lit situations whilst improving my ability and knowledge when using a digital camera. These are my favourite images from this photographic shoot as they are very visually pleasing and work well as a set of images to display the natural beauty of a sunset and documents important aspects of Brighton Pier. Due to the time of day I took these images I was able to create a calm and warm atmosphere throughout the photographic sequence, I am very happy with how this looks as it creates beautiful landscape imagery. This was really helpful to me and can be used when I take photographs for my ‘Sense of Place’ project, this is because I will be able to use lighting more efficiently and create a unique atmosphere to make my images more interesting. Another aspect of this shoot which I am happy with is how I was able to work under time pressure due to the sun being at the prime height for only a short amount of time. This is a skill I will be able to use when completing my project as I want to capture moments in time, meaning I will have to be quick to capture a photograph for it to have a candid and natural effect. Moreover, as my project is going to be photographing landscapes and scenery this was a very beneficial practice shoot for me to do. This is because I could experiment with my camera and discover which angles and techniques will provide me with the best outcomes.  Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of my photographic shoot as I was able to take good quality images and explore how changing certain camera settings (ISO, aperture, exposure) can completely change the outcome of the image.