Art School – Reflection

I took these photographs whilst at the University of Brighton’s Art School as I wanted to produce images which work as a coherent set to display the visual aesthetic of Art School and highlight its individuality. To do this, I focused on the subject matter, style, flavour, colour pallet, composition, and format. I also incorporated a range of techniques to make the photographs more diverse and able to stand out, one of these methods I heavily focused on was the depth of field. I chose to do this as it is a very simple, yet effective method of placing focus on a certain area of the image and it gives off a unique effect. I really like this outcome as from having areas in the image blurred it allows viewer’s attention to be placed on where I would like.  In addition to this, when choosing my images it was important to have a set which works well together, this is because it allows them to compliment each other and show how I followed the same approach throughout the photographic shoot. Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of this shoot as I was able to practice various techniques whilst improving my knowledge of a digital camera. This will help me when working on my photographic project as I will be able to incorporate these new techniques and ideas to produce a good quality set of coherent images which explore my sense of place.