Week 4 – Lighting

Lighting is an essential part in photography as it can change the mood and quality of the photograph.

There are 3 different types of lighting:

  • Directional
  • Reflected
  • Diffused

Directional lighting is directed at a specific direction that is usually the main object or subject in the photograph. This is a harsh type of lighting that is used to create brighter highlights and darker shadows.

Reflected lighting is a softer type of lighting that is made by the light bouncing or reflecting off the object or subjects. This can be created from the objects and materials around the area that has a reflective quality.

Diffused lighting is when the brightness of the light is even and non-directional. This type of lighting is mostly used if the photographer does not want a harsh shadow.

The types of lighting that I used in this experiment were diffused and reflected lighting. As shown in the photograph, the lighting is soft which allows the subject to not have a harsh shadow.



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