
After researching into other photographers and photographic theory, I have approached a set of goals I would like to achieve throughout the project. I would like to provide a contemporary discourse into the inside of the lives of generation Z. As I am ‘generation Z’ age I believe that I can provide a realistic contemporary discourse into the lives of those who are often misrepresented throughout most mainstream and right-wing politics.

I will be using a kodak point and shoot as opposed to a digital camera, for various aesthetic and quality reasons. I believe film photography to feel a lot more authentic due to the ‘one-shot only’ nature, and the fact that film photography is what many of us still have for our family albums. This allows for the connotations of nostalgia and warmth, creating an immediate relationship between the photos.

Whilst providing a statement however I am also aiming to show the loving, affectionate manner still held between early-adults, in a sophisticated and stylistic manner. This is with the intention to further disturb stereotypes held about young adults while providing a loving set of photographs between friends.

PETER MARLOW + further idea development


Peter Marlow is a point of inspiration to me, as he has a very simple yet effective way of photographing the subjects’ relationship with their surroundings. These people have all let Marlow into their private spaces/their familiar surroundings and allowed him to photograph them in their ‘natural’ habitat. They all relate to their surroundings, and in some ways, their surroundings reflect aspects of their identity. So I started thinking about how pieces of peoples’ surroundings can reflect conscious/unconscious characteristics of a person, but in particular, myself.

When a photographer enters a home/location of someone they are photographing, it will mostly be somewhere they have never visited before, allowing for a complete, objective, unbias view of their surroundings. This means that they may notice features that would go unseen when living, or visiting, a location on a regular basis. When living at home, I felt as if I started to take advantage of the small items and surroundings that made me feel in ‘place’ and comfortable, and moving put a real emphasis on these little nick nacks or well-lit corners that I had almost forgotten about.  So, my goal is to go home after nearly 3 months away and come back with fresh eyes, allowing for a new appreciation and exploration of the house I lived in for 17 years.


All photos accessed from