I initially created mood boards for each macro trend board (which are linked in the figures) and then I gauged what fitted best with the mood I wanted to create through the trends. Therefore, the extra images in the mood boards that were not used were decided against. This helped me eliminate images that didn’t describe the mood of the trend well and really have a definite trend. I especially had two minds on the Research, Reuse, Rewear macro trend, but I am happiest with the neutral trend I ended up going with. 

Earth Generation: Spring Summer 2020

Due to the latest generations, X and the Millennials, being very aware about the importance of being sustainable and being inspired by nature, Earth Generation is a Macro Trend that contrasts with the popular idea of the future being technology driven. This trend demonstrates the need for the generations of the future to go back to nature to find answers. Fashion will be influenced by this heavily due to the changes that will be happening in other sectors. Such as ongoing fads about certain natural foods, such as Turmeric and Avocado in the past. The colour palette reflects this also as it is inspired by nature and the colours of spring and summer flower. 


Research/ Reuse / Rewear: Spring Summer 2020

This macro trend speaks about the way in which companies and brands will begin to invest more in invention and research into sustainability and new fabrics. This will also lead to the reusing of fabrics by brands for new collections. Then the rewearing of clothing and the ways in which garments will be designed will allow for items to be worn in different ways. The colour palette reflects the natural mindset behind this trend and it is about the clean technology along with the sustainable frame of mind, therefore the neutral tones balance the clean and the natural. 


The Creative Renaissance: Spring Summer 2020


The Creative Renaissance is the trend that demonstrates the revival of the youths’ creativity. As previously it has been stated that creativity will be the catalyst for change in the world, now, it can be said that due to social media, technology and forward thinking brands, the new and upcoming creative artists, from a young age, will begin to influence the world and more macro trends themselves. The difference between this trend and previous trends that follow the creative frame of mind, is that this trend will be the awakening of the youth having so much more of an impact on all ways of life through their creativity, as opposed to the realisation that creativity will be important in the future. The colour palette reflects the eclectic accumulation of colours that represent a fresh new take on creativity. 


Giving Back: Spring Summer 2020


Due all the bad happening in the world, spending time and dedicating loves to helping charities is something that will become done more frequently. Brands supporting charities will also happen a lot more, especially considering they have such a big voice in their industries. Furthermore, due to the ongoing rise of social media, the giving back process will become easier as links and technological advances occur. The colour palette reflects the natural colours of the planet and the areas in the world that need help, such as our oceans.  





Earth Generation : Spring Summer 2020 –

Research/ Reuse / Rewear: Spring Summer 2020 –

The Creative Renaissance: Spring Summer 2020 –

Giving Back: Spring Summer 2020 –


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