© 2020 Joe Lyons cardboard maze

Making Cardboard Maze Prototype

Build 1

Build 1 documents process of creating the cardboard prototype to be operated by hand.

cardboard maze


  • Cardboard boxes
  • BBQ Skewers
  • Rubber Bands
  • Wire cable ties


  • PVA
  • Contact Adhesive
  • Electrical Tape
  • Superglue


  • 60cm rule
  • Stanley knife
  • Wirecutter


I based my design off of a common youtube design.

I began by cutting the main square base that would have the maze on it.

Then I cut pieces to be layered into double thickness to give rigidity, these became the sides and framing for the two surrounding boxes.

I then cut out pieces for the maze. Everything from this point was glued with PVA glue.

The BBQ Skewers were combined in threes to create thicker dowel.

The wire cable ties were then cut into small hooks and superglued to keep them in place on the underside of the maze.

The elastic bands & string was used to tension the maze and allow the bbq/dowel when twisted to move the maze on two axies.



Build 2

Build 2 documents the expansion of this design to include wireless wifi enabled eyebrow controlled servo motors.


  • 2x ESP32 Development Boards
  • 2x Mini Servo Motors
  • 2x Micro USB Cables
  • 6x Jumper Cables


  • FaceOSC
  • Puredata Extended
  • Arduino IDE w/ ESP32 Servo Library & ESP32 Board Install
  • Shiftr.io [website]


Two ESP32 development boards being used to wirelessly control the servo attached to one of the axis on the maze game.



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