When humans become migrants

A blog containing Marie-Bénédicte Dembour's 30 episode podcast to support her book.

Episode 21: MSS sees Belgium and Greece condemned

In the sea of Strasbourg losses for migrants, MSS stands out as a resounding victory, which we start exploring in this episode.


(If you have problems with the embedded player use this link to listen).

The applicant was an Afghani national who had worked for the Allied forces. Fearing for his life, he left his country. He arrived in Europe through Greece. He then moved to Belgium where he claimed asylum. Belgium transferred him back to Greece. There he was subject to appalling conditions.

He kept in contact with his Belgian legal representative so that his transfer did not put an end to his Strasbourg application.

The Strasbourg Court found that Belgium and Greece had each violated the European Convention on Human Rights. This was on several counts, well worth detailing.

To download a copy of this podcast right-click this link and choose ‘Download Linked File’ or ‘Save Link As…’.

'Dublin' regulationasylumeuropean court of human rightsmss v. belgium and greece

Marie-Benedicte Dembour • June 16, 2015

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