Brighton to be one of the sites to commence trial PREP

NHS England has announced the start of an implementation trial to provide HIV prevention drugs to people at high risk of HIV infection.  From September, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) will be provided by the NHS through the initial three year trial to an estimated 10,000 people, Sexual health clinics in London, Brighton, Manchester, Liverpool and Sheffield are expected to be amongst the first to start enrolling people in the impact trial.

Additional link: BBC News report

with thanks to Frankie Marcelline, Public Health Specialist Librarian
The Library, Audrey Emerton Building, Royal Sussex County Hospital for the news

Student research – news

Three of our students are actively doing fieldwork for their dissertations over the summer. The breadth of topics is exciting and there is a clear link with listening to the perspectives of young people, from views of service users in drug prevention interventions, sexual health and the further education college environment.

Two part time students graduate this summer after completing dissertations on mental health, and stroke prevention.

3 Public Health Principal jobs in Croydon Public Health + more

Croydon public health is undergoing an expansion and recruiting 5 new staff. (Thanks for former student for notifiying us of the roles) . A wonderful opportunity to be ‘in at the start’ of a new initiative.

Search terms Croydon and Public Health – on this link to the NHS job page: