Hastings Exchange

A knowledge exchange supported by the University of Brighton

What are the challenges facing tenants and landlords in private rental accommodation in the area?

In May 2016 representatives from various organisations with an interest in issues affecting people trying to access accommodation in the Hastings area,  local community members, students and academics all gathered at the Hastings campus. The discussion and presentations centred around some of the challenges that are faced by both tenants and landlords within the private rented sector…

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Seed Fund 2014

2014 saw the first year of the Hastings Exchange seed fund, offering organisations with a community focus and academics the opportunity to gain funding to develop an idea they may have for a project in the local area. There were 40 enquiries to the fund which resulted in 7 applications, 4 of which were successful…

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Cultural Regeneration through Heritage: Hastings, Heritage and Local History

In October 2014 during Hastings week over 70 people gathered to hear about various aspects of heritage, with a particular focus on local history and community involvement. Representatives from many local heritage groups were present and spent the afternoon listening to a packed and interesting programme of speakers including academics, students,  as well as from Hastings Borough Council,…

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