The Importance of an Online Brand Community in Social Commerce for Retailers

An online brand community (OBC) is an important platform for firms to differentiate and increase their competitive advantage. It allows companies to strengthen relationships with customers and involve them in brand co-creation (Tsai, 2012). Calkins et al describes community, alongside content and commerce, as “the 3Cs” that are fundamental to online retailing (Calkins et al, 2000). In recent years, OBCs have acquired considerable importance within brands’ communication strategies and managing relationships with their customers (Lopez, 2017).

Watch here: Why Online Communities are Better than Social Media Sites

Features of Effective Online Communities 

User Profiles

The consumer’s experience with an online brand community is the result of interactions with both other members and the community itself (Nambisan, 2011). Users may feel a lot more connected, if they have an online profile that they feel best represents them, to recognise and relate to other members online. For example, beauty retailer Sephora requires users to fill out profile where members indicate skin, hair and eye colour, that allows them to match other “beauty matches” to seek more relevant advice for beauty products. For other retailers, user information can be critical to gaining a further understanding of the user profile.

Photo Galleries to host User Generated Content

UGC brings an audience together and creates a true sense of a community. Effective examples include the UGC content that Debenhams rolled out across all brand pages, where customers can upload photos of their new looks to be featured and connect with the online community. Customers browsing the content can buy the product from the Instagram post. An effective online community could house this UGC in one place, to make it easy for other users to see all content uploaded.

Product Reviews and Discussion Forums

Whilst shopping online, users can be unwilling to make a transaction due to uncertainty in their online environment and decision making. McWilliam emphasises that trust, by definition, mitigates uncertainty and is the central construct that sustains both interpersonal and economic relationships (McWilliam, 2000). It is the contribution that eWOM makes to the building and maintenance of trust in an online environment that makes eWOM so important. Whilst product reviews are critical on product display pages, users should be able to explore and discuss this further in the retailers online community space. Product reviews on product pages do not allow the user to ask specific questions but live chats and discussion forums let the consumers take free reign, and develop meaningful relationships.

Users who contribute product reviews or post messages on online communities visit sites more than nine times as often as non‐users do, remain twice as loyal and buy almost twice as often”

(Brown, 2002).

Why are OBCs Important for the Company?

Online brand communities provide increasing returns to the firms at several levels:

1.) They Acquire Rich Data

Online communities acquire member-generated data on products offered by the firm as well as opinions and comparisons on competitors that sell similar products (Lopez, 2017). This is valuable for the business as they will receive first hand insight into what their customers are thinking and valuable consumer feedback. If the users are required to sign up to “become a member”, the company will retain valuable personal information which can give them more insight into their demographic, and can further use this information to personalise and segment their marketing practise.

2.) Community Relationships will, in turn, develop Loyalty 

If done right, OBSs will build genuine relationships between customers who can recognise and relate to each other based on shared interests. Frequent returns to the site to visit the community will develop brand loyalty and a deeper sense of loyalty to the community.

3.) Generates Sales and a Return on Investment

An online community will generate generous ROI for the company from brand loyalty, customer satisfaction and trust in the brand, from their “fellow consumers”. An analysis by McKinsey revealed that community members account for one‐third of all users, but generate two‐thirds of all online sales (Brown, 2002).

How can their effectiveness be measured?

Research by Preece outlines the attributes of online communities that can be measured for marketing managers to gauge and monitor how successful their community initiatives are (Preece, 2002).

Purpose: This refers to the involvement levels of members within the community. In turn, this indicates how well the online community services its purpose for the consumer. Indicators to the depth of interaction include;

  • Number of total posts
  • Number of posts, per user
  • Total time spent per user on the community, and time per social function
  • Bounce Rate
  • Conversion Rates – Orders directed from community to a purchase
  • Reciprocity – Number and quality of comments and responding posts to other users.

People: This determinant refers to the number of members within the online community. This can be easily tracked and measures, and the company can set themselves goals and targets. New members can be acquired by promotion and an online customer journey that directs them to the community landing page. The “people” aspect, also refers to the various types of members based on their level of participation as well as personal characteristics, that can be closely measured to gain a better understanding of the companies customer profile.

Policy: It is also important to implement policies to deter harmful behaviour, and generate trust among members. In order to boost trust, brands sponsoring a community need to properly manage the community’s mission and its policies, as well as the effects of relations between its members (Lopez, 2017).


Cost – The cost will largely be in the initial implementation and promotion of the online community. If the business has the scale and scope of e-commerce operations, this should not be a hugely costly task, and the subsequent costs will be small.

Functionality – Not all firms will have the scale and resource to be able to implement this. They must have the right user experience to support it. A clunky user experience, could actually have a negative effect. Research into the importance of seamless user experiences by Retail week indicates that, “25% of disruptive retailers offer seamless shopping experiences across all channels, compared with only 13% of non-disruptors” (Retail Week, 2018).

Commercial Risk – An OBC’s purpose satisfies customers on their search for information, social relationships and creating a personal identity linked to the brand (Lopez, 2017). The inclusion of commercial actions could be negatively perceived by customers. Research by Lopez indicates that brand community experience will be less positive if “consumers see the company is using the community for commercial purposes, rather than as a forum for conversations and relationships” (Lopez, 2017).


Brown, J., Broderick, A.J. and Lee, N. (2007), “Word‐of‐mouth communication within online communities”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 21 No. 3, pp. 2‐20

Calkins, J.D., Farello, M.J. and Shi, C.S. (2000), “From retailing to e‐tailing”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No. 1, available at:

Martinez-Lopez, F., Anaya-Sanchez, R., Molinillo, S., Aguilar-Illescas, R. & Esteban-Millat, I. 2017, “Consumer engagement in an online brand community”, ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 23, pp. 24-37.

McWilliam, G. (2000), “Building stronger brands through online communities”, Sloan Management Review, Spring, pp. 43‐54.

Nambisan, P. & Watt, J.H. 2011, “Managing customer experiences in online product communities”, Journal of Business Research, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 889-895.

Preece, J. (2001), “Sociability and usability in online communities: determining and measuring success”, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 20 No. 5, pp. 347‐56.

Retail Week . (2018). How-to guide: Standing out with rich media.Available: Last accessed 4th April 2018.

Tsai, H., Huang, H. & Chiu, Y. 2012, “Brand community participation in Taiwan: Examining the roles of individual-, group-, and relationship-level antecedents”, Journal of Business Research, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 676-684.


The Importance of User Generated Content for Online Retailers to appeal to an Experiential and Social Customer

User Generated Content is any content that has been created and uploaded by unpaid contributors, and can include pictures, videos, testimonials, tweets, blog posts as a part of users promoting a brand rather than marketeers (Goh et al, 2013).

“86% of Millenials say that UGC is a good indicator of the quality of the brand” (Tint, 2016)

“Brand engagements rise by 28% when consumers are exposed to a mixture of professional marketing content and user-generated content” (Tint, 2016)

An interesting discussion by Peter Esperson on the “Perfect Storm” of User Generated Content:

UGC Appeals to the Experiential Online Customer

UGC appeals to the experiential consumer, who is motivated by the “fun” and personal enjoyment of online shopping (Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2001). Wolfinbarger and Gilly’s research recognises that there is greater playfulness associated with experiential behaviour and this results in a more positive mood, greater shopping satisfaction and a higher likelihood of impulse purchasing compared to goal-focused shopping (Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2001). This is particularly important for beauty and fashion retailers, whose customers are likely to browse, want opinions and share with friends before committing to a purchase.

UGC Brings a Sense of Community

UGC brings an audience together, and creates a sense of unity between the customer and brand, rather than an “us” and “them” situation (Tint, 2016). In MacMillon and Chavis’ theory penned in 1986, they defined community as membership,  influence, integration and fulfilment of needs and shared emotional connection. User Generated Content particularly allows customers to influence each other by sharing content, and in turn shares an emotional connection (Tint, 2016).

The Rise of the Social Consumer 

The evolution from an online product-orientated environment to a customer-centered one, represents the transformation from e-commerce to social commerce (Wigand et al, 2008). Social commerce leverages social media and Web 2.0 technologies that support social interaction and User Generated Content (UGC) in order to assist consumers in making their purchasing decisions in online communities and marketplaces (Huang, 2017).

Research on the Generation Y consumer indicates that customer perceptions and decisions are not only based on information created by the marketer on e-commerce platforms but are also influenced by the content created by other consumers on social networks (Constantinides and Fountain, 2008) as reviews, validation and feedback from peers are crucially important to the social consumer. This new evolution in e-commerce in the social economy will enhance customer participation, promote customer relationships and ultimately achieve greater economic value for firms (Huang, 2017). Online retailers should be thinking beyond the statistics of their social media channels, and should be incorporating “social” into their strategy for their online experience, if they are too appeal to their experiential customer.

Existent literature shows that internal word of mouth has a significant and positive impact on retailer sales (Gu et al, 2012). There is a wealth of eWOM literature surrounding the effects of product reviews on conversion rates but the below examples are more innovative and exciting initiatives online retailers have taken, using UGC to interact with their customers.

1.Shoppable Instagram feed – Debenhams

The new CEO of Debenhams has presented his new strategy that promotes a “fun and sociable digital shopping experience” (Debenhams, 2017) that involves UGC across all brand pages, where customers can upload photos of their new looks to be featured and connect with the online community, see below. Customers browsing the content can buy the product from the Instagram post. This combination of combining commerce within a social network supports Huang’s research into the incorporation of web 2.0 technologies and social media (Huang, 2017).


2. Social Community – Sephora

Other retailers have implemented initiatives to appeal to the social consumer, such as Sephora’s Beauty Insider Community. This is a page on their website that allows customers to join groups, get inspired, watch live chats, get advice and join events. The community meets all four aspects of MacMillon and Chavis’ community theory; membership,  influence, integration and fulfilment of needs and shared emotional connection, which is perhaps a reason why it is is such a successful initiative.


2.1 Personalisation 

When becoming a member, customers are invited to create a “Beauty Profile”. This allows them to find “beauty matches” with other customers creating content in the community, which makes for a more helpful, relevant and meaningful exchange. This particularly appeals to the integration and fulfilment of needs and shared emotional connection elements of MacMillon and Chavis’ definition of community.


  1. #AsSeenOnMe– ASOS

ASOS’s “as seen on me” campaign is viewable on the landing page, where customers can upload their looks and tag the appropriate PDPs. The feature is also linked to the product display page, so customers can seek inspiration and see how other customers have styled the particular item of clothing, to aid them in their decision making process.



The ASOS #AsSeenOnMe campaign landing page, reads “Check out the gallery for the latest #AsSeenOnMe pics, shared by you on Instagram using the hashtag or the ‘add look’ button below, plus shop the looks you love

4. UGC Trench Coat Campaign – Burberry

Burberry adopted a UGC approach to its Art of the Trench campaign in 2009.  Burberry’s fans uploaded pictures of themselves wearing their iconic trench coat. Burberry curated the best submissions and showcased on their microsite and Facebook page.



Debenhams Plc. (2017). Interim Results and Strategy Review.Available: http://phx.corporate- Last accessed 28th October 2017.

Constantinides, S.J. Fountain Web 2.0: conceptual foundations and marketing issues Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, 9 (3) (2008), pp. 231-244

Goh, K., Heng, C. & Lin, Z. 2013, “Social Media Brand Community and Consumer Behavior: Quantifying the Relative Impact of User- and Marketer-Generated Content”, Information Systems Research, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 88-1

Gu, B., Park, J. & Konana, P. 2012, “The Impact of External Word-of-Mouth Sources on Retailer Sales of High-Involvement Products”, Information Systems Research, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 182.

Huang, Z. & Benyoucef, M. 2013, “From e-commerce to social commerce: A close look at design features”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 246-259.

Tint. (2016). What is User Generated Content (and Why You Should Be Using it). Available: Last accessed 22 Feb 2018.

Wigand, R. T., Benjamin, R. I., and Birkland, J. Web 2.0 and beyond: implications for electronic commerce. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Innsbruck, Austria, August 2008, ACM Press, New York, NY, 2008.

Wolfinbarger, M. & Gilly, M.C. 2001, “Shopping Online for Freedom, Control, and Fun”, California Management Review, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 34-55.

How Effective Are Product Reviews for Online Retailers to Increase Customer Conversion Rates?

This blog will discuss the importance of product reviews for online retailers and how these can be used the most effectively to increase customer conversion rates. Product reviews allow a community of consumers to discuss and feedback on a product, and meet Chaffey’s description of “community participation”, under his second channel of “Online PR” (Chaffey, 2015).

Uncertainty in the online environment can make many consumers reluctant to engage in online transactions, due to the ambiguity inherent in virtual situations as opposed to face-to-face interactions (Racherla, 2012). McKnight emphasises that trust, by definition, mitigates such constraints and is the central construct that sustains both interpersonal and economic relationships (McKnight, 2001). The underpinning assumption in trust literature is that humans have a fundamental need to reduce uncertainty, and eWOM in the form of product reviews contribute to the building and maintenance of trust in an online environment.

Product review systems have become one of the most popular information sources for modern consumers (Racherla, 2012). Perhaps this is because they have a higher credibility, empathy and relevance to customers than marketers, as authors are “fellow consumers” (Bickart and Schindler, 2001). Findings from research conducted on my placement year, indicate the vital importance of  online retailers using product reviews on product pages to increase customer conversion rates.

Table 1 Impact of Reviews on Product Pages March 2017

Online Category Conversion Rate With Review Conversion Rate Without Review
Make Up 9.4% 5.9%
Skincare 12.3% 7.3%
Women’s Fragrance 9.9% 4.8%
Men’s Fragrance 12.3% 5.2%

Source: Information compiled by Student from Online Trading Team.

Customers converted at a significantly higher rate on the products that had product reviews, compared to those that didn’t. Research by Bickart and Schindler indicates that negative reviews have a greater impact on experience goods (goods that need to be tried such as make up and skincare) whereas positive reviews have a greater impact on search goods (features can be objectively evaluated from available information) such as a piece of hardware (Bickart and Schindler, 2001). Other reports also indicate that negative reviews can be valuable too, as they help increase consumer trust in the opinions that they read (Charlton, 2015). However, the ratio of positive to negative reviews is critical to the consumer’s decision making process. Research has found that if the consumer reads between one and three bad online reviews, this would be enough to deter the majority (67%) of shoppers from purchasing a product or service (Charlton, 2015).

Source: Econsultancy, 2015

As well as improving conversions and customer experience, product reviews also have considerable SEO benefits as they provide fresh, new content for search engines (Charlton, 2015). The information is differentiated from the standard manufacturer product description, which increases the chance of them appearing higher up the SERP. If the reviews are formatted correctly, the star ranking can stand out and attract customers to increase click through rates. For example, see below the star ranking that John Lewis have implemented, which stands out amongst its competition. Research suggests that these attributes can achieve a 10-20% increase in click through rates (Charlton, 2015).

Once product reviews have been implemented, how can they be used effectively?

1.) Quantity

A difficulty with implementing product reviews can simply be encouraging enough customers to write a review in the first place. Third party providers such as Bazaar Voice and Reevoo are a guaranteed method of getting enough authenticated reviews from customers (Charlton, 2015). Other competitions and incentives can be used to entice customers to leave a review. For example, Debenhams ran a competition in March 2017 offering customers who left a review the chance to win a fragrance. The amount of reviews posted for the period increased by 200%.

Retailers can also send the customer an email post-purchase. The timing of the email must be considered to allow enough time for the customer to have tried the product but soon enough that it is still fresh in their mind. Marks and Spencer have used Bazaar Voice reviews functionally in post-purchase emails which has seen an increase in customer feedback of more than 400% (Charlton, 2015). An example below is a post-purchase email from online fashion retailer MISSGUIDED, who similarly use the BazaarVoice service.

Source: MISSGUIDED email sent to customer on 23/11/2017

2.) Format

Depending on the product, appropriate attributes should be assigned to the product for the customer to rate making it easy for customers to scan for what they are looking for (Li et al, 2008). For example, on a product page for a MAC lipstick, Debenhams divide the attributes to Quality, Value and Style. However, this could be deemed quite generic for a lipstick product where other factors such as pigment, finish and long wearing factors may be more accurate to make a purchase decision. An example of a retailer with a more sophisticated reviewing system is Sephora, see below.


See Product Page here for reference, and other product reviews

3.) Relevance

Sephora have adopted a sophisticated review tool, that allows beauty shoppers to see the reviews from other consumers that are their “Beauty Match” by identifying similar eye colour, hair colour, skin tone and skin type. This allows the product reviews to be a lot more tailored and relevant to the individual customer and will aid them to make a more informed purchasing decision.


See Product Page here for reference, and other product reviews:


Bickart, B., & Schindler, R. M. (2001). Internet forums as influential sources of consumer information. Journal of interactive marketing, 15(3), 31-40.

Chaffey, D. & Ellis-Chadwick, F. 2015, Digital marketing, Sixth edn, Pearson, Upper Saddle River.

Charlton, G. (2015). Econsultancy. Available: Last accessed 6th Jan 2017.

Li, X. & Hitt, L.M. 2008, “Self-Selection and Information Role of Online Product Reviews”, Information Systems Research, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 456-474

McKnight DH. 2001. What Trust Means in E-Commerce Customer Relationships: An Interdisciplinary Conceptual Typology. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 6(2): 35–59.

Racherla, P., Mandviwalla, M. & Connolly, D.J. 2012, “Factors affecting consumers’ trust in online product reviews: Consumer trust in online product reviews”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 94-104.

How to tell if the Layout and Appearance of Fashion Retailer’s Email Marketing Campaigns are Effective

Chaffey identified six digital marketing channel approaches “for opportunities to reach more prospects”(Chaffey, 2015). Brands in the fast moving fashion industry need a diverse marketing strategy that leverages all channels that Chaffey discusses. This blog post will focus on the email element of a fashion retailers digital marketing strategy, at it ties directly to customer acquisition, conversion rates and general purchase behaviour (Beashel, 2014). Various research surrounding the importance of email has shown that email can deliver more return on investment than other channels as this gives them a direct line to their customer base (Beashel, 2014).

Chaffey identified that emails must be effective by “doing the right thing” involving supporting business objectives by obtaining sales, leads, ROI as well as being efficient by “doing the thing right” referring to maximising opens, deliver and being optimised on mobile (Chaffey, 2015). Both play pivotal roles in the success of a company’s email marketing campaign. The use of the CTAs, image layout and copy structure will impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the email.

Call to Action

The use of CTA’s must be both efficient and effective to achieve the goal of a click-through to their website and ultimately increase conversion by a purchase.

  • Verbs: Strong action orientated verbs should be used such as “click, buy, shop” to tell the consumer “what? Why? When?” in a matter of seconds (Moth, 2012). For example, “Shop tops now!”.
  • Repetition: Repetition of the CTA across the email, gives the suggestion more weight by strategic scattering. The CTA could be placed in logos, images, headlines and products to link to appropriate pages to maximise conversion rates. For example, in the ASOS email sent on 21/11/2017 most elements of the page are clickable. The top category tab, the large landing image and the product images beneath all link to product pages on site. Image based buttons have been proven to have a higher click rate (Moth, 2012) and placing CTAs at the top of the page have been found to increase click through rates by 50% (Lavery, 2017).Figure 1: ASOS Black Friday email received on 21/11/2017
  • Colour: The colour of the CTA button should be contrasting but in keeping with the colour palette and theme of the email. It should have a white or negative space around it, and other images and text should be further away, to bring more attention to it (Moth, 2012).
  • Arrow Icon: Research by the Digital Evolution Group, has shown that customers are more likely to click on a CTA with an arrow next to the button (Moth, 2012). To lead with effective email marketing campaigns retailers should place an arrow next to their CTA’s to increase click-through rates to be more engaging with customers.

CTA button with NO arrow

CTA button WITH arrow

CTA: “Shop Watches” 13.6%

CTA: “Shop Watches” 17.1%

CTA: “Shop now” 4%

CTA: “Shop now” 4.9%

Figure 2: Customers shopping for watches at Helzberg Diamonds were more likely to click on CTA with an arrow (Moth, 2012)


The layout of the email can determine how easily and effectively the customer reads the email. The retailer must want the customer to read as much as possible, but research has shown that the customer has little time and often scans (Amunwa, 2017).

  • Width: The email should be kept at a width of 600px wide as scrolling from side to side will hinder email response rate. Eye tracking studies have discerned that the average web users reading habits lean more towards scanning rather than reading word for word, so content on the left gets more attention that content on the right (Amunwa, 2017). Retailer’s will be producing effective emails, if the most important information is on the left hand side of the email.
  • Column arrangement: Studies have shown that readers eyes are attracted more strongly to striking imagery over text. Research has found that they read this first, then go on to text. There should be a maximum of three columns on the page. Creating a layout of more than 2 columns limits what you’re able to create that’s still visually impactful (Amunwa, 2017).

Figure 3: Eye tracking study by Nielson demonstrating the consumes eye movements. Image provided by Telepathy (Telepathy, 2017). 

  • Eye Tracking Study by Jakob Nielson: Jakob Nielsen conducted a study tracking 1.5 million eye movements. He found that web users skip over content that appears unimportant resulting in an F-Shaped pattern, indicating that imagery and copy on the left side of the screen get more attention. Taking these findings into account, retailer’s should lead with the most important and relevant content in the top left hand corner. (Nielson et al, 2010).

Related Video: Watch “F-Pattern in Reading Digital Content” by the Neilson Norman Group

Copy Structure

The copy structure will have an impact on the attention gained by the consumer. Retailer’s should consider the the copy of the email in the inbox (Subject Line) and also the structure of the text in the email (Serial Position Effect) in order to be effective.

  • Subject Line: Effective emails ensure that it is clear who is sending the email, the “from field” is what the customer will see first. The logo should also be at the top of the email page, to make the retailer even more recognisable (Amunwa, 2017). The subject line should catch the customers attention so will need to entice the customer to increase their email open rate. The content of the preheader text will also aid this decision making process. Companies must be aware of this and pay particular attention to these three attributes.

Figure 4: Diagram of email layout, created by Writer from personal email account. 

  • Serial Position Effect: Research conducted by psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus found that the the first and last messages in a series are ones that the customer remembers. Companies should put their most important message first, use a filler in the middle or a piece of information that carries the least importance and the other important piece of information last. The study also showed that a P.S line at the end, had a high rate of being recalled (Beashel, 2014).

Figure 5: Data displaying words recalled depending on the position in the sequence. Source: Beashel, 2014


Amunwa, J. (2016). 28 Tips for Designing Effective HTML Emails.Available: Last accessed 29th November 2017.

Beashel, A. (2014). Are You Missing Click-Throughs by Not Structuring Your Email Campaigns for ‘Scanners’?. Available: Last accessed 29th November 2017.

Chaffey, D. & Ellis-Chadwick, F. 2015, Digital marketing, Sixth edn, Pearson, Upper Saddle River.

Lavery, J. (2017). 8 best practice tips for successful email marketing.Available: Last accessed 29th November 2017

Moth, D. (2012). Designing the perfect email call to action: infographic. Available: Last accessed 29th November 2017.

Nielsen, J. and Pernice, K., 2010. Eyetracking web usability. New Riders.


Argos Case Study

“Argos utilised Brandwatch Analytics to understand the public’s perception of their new digital concept”.

This case study offers insight into the digital marketing techniques used by Argos to gain social insights into what their customers are saying about their 53 digital stores.


Argos segmented data by using categories based on location data and other criteria such as the names of streets and shopping centres, to create a set of rules. These rules automatically performed actions on mentions from customers tweets, so every time Argos was mentioned in a tweet it would be filtered into its pre-set category. This allows Argos to gain valuable feedback and know which store is performing best, and praise particular members of staff. An example of this is a customer tweeting about the service they received at the Clapham Junction store.

“@Argos_Online thank you so much

for listening!!! I shall definitely be coming

into the store. #greatcustomerservice



This tweet was filtered into the “Clapham Junction” category, so managers could feedback to the store and reward employees.


Using the demographic functionality that Brandwatch offered, Argos could identify who was talking and discovered that men and women appreciated different aspects of the digital stores. The data found that men showed a higher level of positivity to the new technical features of the stores for example the instalment of the Ipads, and women on the other hand appreciated the new approach to customer service and how this improved their in store experience.


The insight from Brandwatch also found that customers missed some of the old elements of the store, such as the catalogues. Argos has responded to this feedback and has given the stores catalogues to keep behind the desk, for those customers who miss the familiarity.


“We are planning future digital store roll-outs and we’ll be using Brandwatch Analytics to track every step of the way”

James Finch, Customer and Digital, Insights Manager. Argos

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Brandwatch claim that 96% of customers consider their services a worthwhile investment. (Brandwatch, 2017).

Read here their 9 Social Media Data Analysis Steps for Marketing Intelligence.

9 Social Media Data Analysis Steps for Marketing Intelligence 

What we can learn

  • Social insights offer valuable information and data for a company, and gives them a clearer and more accurate sense of who their customers are
  •  Companies can make informed decisions and implement changes based on feedback


Brandwatch. (2017). Services. Available: Last accessed 10th October 2017.


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