Personal Academic Tutoring – School of Ed


About Personal Academic Tutoring

The University of Brighton believes that its students should have opportunities to review the academic, personal wellbeing and employability aspects of their development as they progress through their course. Personal academic tutoring (PAT) aims to achieve this by complementing both direct course delivery by academic staff and specialist support by Student Services.

The support tutoring process involves systematic contact throughout your degree with a member of academic staff. Personal academic tutoring (PAT) within the School of Education reflects and builds upon the University of Brighton’s Personal Academic Tutoring policy.

As part of your induction period, the programme team will help you to prepare for your studies, as well as sharing ways with you as to how you can access support and guidance.

On this website you will find information on the how the support tutoring system works in the School of Education and links to other sources of guidance and advice.

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