Week 1 – Introduction to the module

Hi all,

For those who I have not yet met, my name is Meg and I am currently studying the MA part-time from Brighton. Previously I was working for an advertising agency in London specialising in TV, radio, cinema and outdoor media buying.

This is what led me to the Digital Cities module; part of selling outdoor media spaces to clients in an increasingly mobile and digitally-driven environment, is the development of ‘smart’ enabled physical locations. Encouraging individuals to connect and interact with physical spaces, and therefore advertisers, was always a strong pull for many clients. However, the end goal was always engagement with brands and, consequently, sales.

I am interested in learning more about how physical spaces are utilised for the purposes of social engagement as opposed to profit, how charities and other NGOs are using increasingly physical environments that can be accessed digitally to promote their social work and encourage citizens to engage with it.

I am also interested in how public transport utilises digital technologies to make information more accessible and people more informed of their services, and how this can change and shape commuters’ everyday experiences.

I look forward to having great discussions and working with you all.


Thank you


One thought on “Week 1 – Introduction to the module

  1. Hi Meg, thanks for posting the first post of the course!

    I’m also interested in transport as I rely on trains to get to work, and actively avoid driving where I can (except I live in an area that has one bus an hour during the day, and none in the evening). I recently started using Uber and have had a lot of conversations with Uber drivers about how the system works for them. I was surprised by the number of drivers who said they liked being an Uber driver because it is a flexible system which enables dads to work around childcare commitments – something they couldn’t do when they were a ‘normal’ taxi driver. As transport systems adapt to commuters, I would be interested to know how the transport workers can also benefit from the changes.

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