Wellcome Trust The Hub Award


(Closing Date: 7 July 2017)

Wellcome Trust The Hub Award

The Hub Award brings researchers and creative professionals together at Wellcome Collection to work as a collaborative residency.

The Hub, Wellcome Trust

The Hub is a space located on the 5th floor of Wellcome Collection which is home to the recipients of The Hub Award, a grant that supports a group of researchers and other creative minds to collaborate on a project over two years which explores the cultural    and social contexts of health.

Who can apply

Groups of four to six people can apply for The Hub Award. Your proposed project should:

  • bring together people from different professional backgrounds, such as health, the arts and academia
  • be innovative and experimental
  • fit with Wellcome Trust’s strategy.

The award offers a specially designed, flexible space at Wellcome Collection, including quiet spaces, meeting and seminar rooms, and access to a recording studio.

Application Type: You must submit your application through the Wellcome Trust Grant Tracker (WTGT).

Max amount: up to £1 million for a range of activities and research costs, including:

  • salary costs for your group
  • salary costs for collaborators and administrative staff, such as project co-ordinators, extra researchers and resident artists
  • project expenses, such as equipment, materials, travel, events and public engagement activities.

Funding Mode: not fEC please see the Wellcome Trust website for full details of funding

Max Duration: up to two years

Start Date or lead time: between October 2018 and January 2019

Please contact Dr Anne Galliot in the CRD or Stuart Hedley in the Reasearch Office if you are interested in applying

AHRC JPI Cultural Heritage – Digital Heritage Call

(Closing Date: 22 June 2017)

AHRC JPI Cultural Heritage – Digital Heritage Call  

The Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage and Global Change is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for transnational proposals in the area of Digital Heritage. The Digital Heritage call will support well-defined, transnational, interdisciplinary and collaborative research and development projects that maximize the value and impact of research outcomes by promoting the exchange with policy makers, businesses and commercial enterprises, the broader heritage sector, voluntary and community groups and the general public. 

Max amount: 4.5 million Euros. Applications must be in accordance with the eligibility requirements relevant for the national research teams in the transnational research consortia and not exceed the maximum budgets to be requested therein.

Max Duration: up to 36 months

Start Date or lead time:

Discipline(s): inter-disciplinary research using a wide range of digital methods applied to the creation, exploration, study, understanding, interpretation, presentation, dissemination of tangible and intangible heritage, whether digitized or born-digital. It also includes the use of digital methodologies for the conservation and protection of heritage and for promoting the community engagement with, and use of, heritage.

Applicant status: Each project proposal must comprise of at least three research teams, each based in an eligible institution in a different country participating in the Digital Heritage Call. The maximum number of research teams in a project proposal is five

Application submission: Applications for this call are made via the JPICH website.

AHRC Research in Film Awards 2017

(Closing Date: 6 July 2017)

AHRC Research in Film Awards 2017

Following on from the successful 2016 Research in Film Awards, the AHRC is launching its 2017 Awards to find new and emerging talent that straddle the worlds of both filmmaking and arts and humanities research.

The AHRC’s Research in Film Awards is designed to showcase, reward and recognise the best of the growing number of high-quality short films (defined as no longer than 30 minutes) that are linked to arts and humanities research. Films are produced in a great many ways through and as a result of research. They may be primary outputs, by-products, records of research undertaken, dissemination tools or practice-based research itself. They may include reconstructions and enactments, animations, installations and gallery pieces, games, interactive storytelling or co-produced work including collaborations with community groups, and may take the form of documentaries, visual essays or broadcast programmes.

Awards will be made in five categories and the winner of each category will win £2,000 to be invested in their future filmmaking activities.


  • Best Research Film of the Year
  • Best Doctoral or Early Career Film
  • International Development Award: Mobilising Global Voices
  • Innovation Award
  • Inspiration Award (public category)

All applicants must accompany their submissions with supporting text which must detail how the film is directly linked or influenced by arts and humanities research.

Entrants for all categories must complete and submit the Smart Survey Form by the submissions deadline. Before applying please ensure you read the Research In Film 2017 Call document 

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

(Closing date: before 5pm on 19th September 2017)

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust


The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust fund UK citizens to investigate inspiring practice in other countries, and return with innovative ideas for the benefit of people across the UK. Fellows come from all over the UK and from many different backgrounds. They do not require qualifications, but applicants must be passionate about what you do and keen to share their passion to inspire others.  Successful applicants will be invited for interview early next year.

Max amount: Each grant is individually calculated and depends on the project, the destination(s) and the duration of travel. Our aim is that all travel related costs will be covered by the grant including visa fees, vaccinations and insurance.

Start Date or lead time: from April 2018

Discipline(s): Any but the trust has a series of categories which you can apply under.  If your project does not fall within any of these but still fits the trust criteria you can apply under the Open Category.

Applicant status: You must be

  • a UK Citizen and have a British passport when you apply
  • resident in the UK
  • 18 years old or over when you apply – or turn 18 by the end of the year

Application submission: Please check the categories, confirm your eligibility and read through the full project guidelines before applying. Apply via the website http://www.wcmt.org.uk/apply

Paul Mellon Rome Fellowship

(Closing Date: TBC)

Paul Mellon Rome Fellowship


One Rome Fellowship is offered annually to allow a Senior or Mid-Career scholar three months at the British School at Rome to work on an Anglo-Italian art-historical topic of any period from the medieval era onwards.

Max amount: full residential accommodation at the British School at Rome, an honorarium of £2,300 and the sum of £7,500 towards replacement teaching costs for a term at the Fellow’s home institution, if required. NOT fEC

Max Duration: 3 months, full time

Start Date or lead time: October to December; January to March; April to June

Discipline(s): Anglo-Italian art-historical topic of any period from the medieval era onwards

Applicant status: senior or mid-career scholars only,  for individuals who have already published a significant body of scholarly work and/or are internationally recognised in their field of expertise

Application submission: To apply for an award access the online system at grants.paul-mellon-centre.ac.uk 

To discuss this further please contact Dr Anne Galliot in the CRD or the Research Office.

ZiF Bielefeld University’s Institute for Advanced Study – Workshops

(Closing Date: None but proposals should be submitted at least one year before the workshop is intended to take place.)

 ZiF Bielefeld University’s Institute for Advanced Study – Workshops


ZiF Workshops serve the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas on a short-term basis. They range from colloquia on specific questions which assemble smaller circles of experts from neighbouring disciplines to larger-scale conferences which discuss the state of the art in a particular interdisciplinary field. The number of participants may range between ten and eighty.

ZiF Author’s Colloquia are a special type of workshop, featuring an eminent scholar whose work has significantly influenced the world of science or its perception within society. They create a platform for discussions and critique by selected experts.

Max amount: up to a maximum of 10,000 €

Max Duration: Workshops are shorter discussion-related forms of academic meetings (2 to 14 days).

Discipline(s): Any

Applicant status: post-doctoral scholars

Application submission: Guidelines for application: http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/ZIF/Foerderung/AG-Antragshinweise.pdf

Proposals via email as a pdf-version to be sent to: Geschäftsführender Direktor des Zentrums für interdisziplinäre Forschung Methoden 1 33615 Bielefeld Germany zif-gf@uni-bielefeld.de

ZiF – Bielefeld University’s Institute for Advanced Study

(Closing Date: 1 October 2017)

ZiF – Bielefeld University’s Institute for Advanced Study 


The ZiF – Bielefeld University’s Institute for Advanced Study – supports and funds outstanding and innovative interdisciplinary research projects. Founded in 1968 as Germany’s first institution of its kind, the ZiF became a model for numerous Institutes for Advanced Study throughout Europe.

Open to any research topic, the ZiF welcomes scholars from all academic disciplines and countries. It offers the opportunity to realise interdisciplinary academic projects with international colleagues by means of providing residential fellowships, grants, and conference services.

ZiF invites proposals for its research groups funding. This supports the establishment of interdisciplinary research groups in the natural sciences, humanities or social sciences. Fellows reside at the ZiF and work together on a broader research theme.

Max amount: Projects with a five-month duration may receive up to €250,000 and projects with a 10-month duration may receive up to €500,000. ZiF also provides a research assistant, accommodation and conference facilities.

Max Duration: up to 10 months

Discipline(s): natural sciences, humanities or social sciences

Applicant status: post-doctorate scholars from any country are eligible to apply

Application submission: Proposals via email as a pdf-version to be sent to: Geschäftsführender Direktor des Zentrums für interdisziplinäre Forschung Methoden 1 33615 Bielefeld Germany zif-gf@uni-bielefeld.de

Guidelines for making an application : http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/(en)/ZIF/Foerderung/FG-Antragshinweise.pdf

British Academy Conferences: submission of proposals

(Closing Date: Likely to be announced later in the year)

British Academy Conferences: submission of proposals


The British Academy, the UK’s national academy for the humanities and social sciences, is currently inviting outstanding proposals for our 2018 conference programme. This presents an exceptional opportunity for UK scholars who can demonstrate academic leadership and vision to run one of 6 landmark conferences featuring leading-edge research. 

The British Academy is looking for proposals for conferences that will be pivotal events and of lasting significance in the field: a chance for leading and emerging scholars to examine current and future issues surrounding novel, dynamic, innovative and exciting subject areas in the humanities and social sciences.

Max amount: The Academy covers the cost of administration, catering, preparation of delegates’ packs, and promotional material. A contribution is made to all speakers’, chairs’ and convenors’ travel costs, based on the distance to be travelled to the conference; there is an expectation that participants from well-resourced countries will be able to meet their own travel costs. The Academy also funds accommodation for all speakers, chairs and convenors on the days of the conference.

Conferences take place over two days, between January and December 2018 and should run between 9.45am and 5pm

Discipline(s): Humanities and social science (Proposals of an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary nature are especially appropriate)

Applicant status: UK-based scholar

Application submissionProposals should be submitted on the appropriate form, which can be downloaded from the top right of this page http://www.britac.ac.uk/node/4262