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Advice from Coca-Cola European Partners on job searching during COVID-19

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The University of the West of England’s GradLink organisation held an interview with the Bulgarian Talent Acquisition team from Coca-Cola European Partners plc to discuss graduate job recruitment in the ongoing pandemic. They covered a range of areas giving advice to students on how to become the ideal candidate.


It isn’t about how many connections you have on social media, but how you interact with those people. Have a clear idea of why you are approaching someone and do your research. Be authentic, show interest and ask questions, but be patient and give them time to respond.

How to build up your CV

Attend online classes and webinars, and highlight any extracurricular activities, interest groups and seminars you’ve attended. Check the skills needed for the role and build your CV around it, linking personal qualities to what you want to achieve in the future.

The ideal candidate

The COVID-19 pandemic will eventually pass, but we will look for candidates who have been proactive during this period. Their ability to be flexible in the current situation is a good indication of how well they’ll do at a brand like Coca-Cola European Partners.

For more information, take a look at the full article on the GradLink website here:

careers advicecovid-19graduates

Glen Marsh • 15/10/2020

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