Taste of Teaching in London Tour



Are you interested in teaching in London ? Daunted by making the move? Teachin.co.uk are holding a series of tours to help you make an informed decision. They will pay for accomodation and transport costs in advance . Here’s the information I’ve received from them :


As we draw closer to the end of the academic year our schools in London are looking to appoint NQTs on a permanent basis starting September 2017. We understand that moving to London can be a daunting thing which is why we are introducing a ‘Taste of Teaching in London Tour’. Our tour is an opportunity for NQTs who are considering making the move to London or are unsure whether it’s right for them to get a real taste of living and teaching in London.

We are able to offer an insight of what it is like to live, teach and explore London for those who may not have ever considered working in a big city. There is absolutely no cost to join one of our tours; the only criteria is an open mind!

Our ‘Taste of Teaching in London Tour’ will be held on the following confirmed dates:


  • 4th and 5th July
  • 11th and 12th July
  • 13th and 14th July
  • Additional dates (TBC on interest)


Over the 2 days you will meet with Headteachers who are actively recruiting, see their schools, teach a short lesson (no more than 20 mins) and explore the city both in Central and the Suburbs. There is absolutely NO COST to join one of our tours and all travel and accommodation would be paid for in advance.  All we ask is that you have an open mind and just experience what great opportunities there are here in London.


Our Taste of Teaching in London Tour will offer the following:


  1. Spend a day within 2 London Primary Schools

** Visit and Co-Teach within one of our partner schools

** Speak to existing staff members about teaching in London and their experiences


  1. Support in finding potential places to live

** In-depth searches and advice

** Meet other relocating NQTs for potential flat/house shares


  1. Budgeting and rental costs in London explained

** How to find affordable yet suitable housing

** Learn about local amenities (Not just Central London)


  1. Interview preparation

** Refine your CV and Personal Statement

** Receive Interview advice and Preparation


  1. Build a Social Network in London

** Meet other NQTs in London, share your experiences

** Network with Headteachers and teachers across London expanding your network


If there any prospective teachers who would be interested in finding more info about our ‘Taste of Teaching in London Tour’, please get in touch with Trixie Lo via email Trixie.lo@teachin.co.uk or on 0207 788 9441.







Fiona Langdon • 29/06/2017

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  1. insider-london 07/10/2017 - 10:17 am

    Thanks for sharing the informative information.

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