Tools and technologies

Video and audio

Techsmith Relay (formerly ‘Camtasia Relay’)

Simple ‘stop and start’ lecture capture software to record main lectures (as well as any on-screen recording/teaching) and make them available to students securely via the UoB video service.

Official University of Brighton guidance

Quick Guides for BSMS lecture capture:


Techsmith Fuse

Mobile app for recording video on mobile devices (yours or students’) and securely uploading it to the UoB video service for teaching and learning.

Official University of Brighton guidance

Camtasia Studio for screencasting

Camtasia Studio is screen capture software that has a full editing functionality, so it can do more but takes a bit longer to learn. BSMS have laptops (Mac and Windows) for teaching staff to use and the BSMS Learning Technologists will train you how to use it.

Quick Guide: Creating a screencast for teaching using BSMS laptop

Official University of Brighton guidance

Other screen recording tools for creating videos

There are several so-called ‘whiteboard apps’ that record the tablet computer (e.g. iPad) screen activity and your voice to produce online explanatory videos for learners. ShowMe and Explain Everything are two good examples. There are free and paid-for versions; they have to be downloaded to your own device. (They are not part of the fully-supported list of software but the BSMS Learning Technologists can give you guidance.)

Nearpod is a mobile app and web tool by which a teacher can ‘push’ their presentation to appear live on students’ own mobile devices (laptop/phone/tablet) in the classroom. It has several in-built interactions (polls/text/click-on-image) to increase the engagement and interaction in the session. It is particularly helpful if there isn’t any lectern PC or projector.

Quick summary of Nearpod for BSMS teachers

Official University of Brighton guidance

Poll Everywhere is an online voting system that uses responses from your audience to answer questions and/or provide feedback in real time. Audience members use their mobile devices or laptops as a way to vote instead of having to hand out clickers. Students can respond via text message, mobile app, Twitter, or the web. Presenters can pose different types of questions including multiple choice or open ended questions.

Quick summary of Poll Everywhere for BSMS teachers

Official University of Brighton guidance

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