What do you want to be when you grow up? Report back on successful career event

  Dr Becky Winter, Clinical Teaching Fellow

With over 80 different specialities to choose from you can understand why the GMC ensure career advice is delivered to undergraduate students.  (see full list of specialties here: http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/approved_curricula_systems.asp)

The medical school runs a structured career programme from year 1-5 and students also have a mentor scheme in 4th year where they are paired to a registrar in a specialty of their choice, for regular supervision.

Careers event at the AEB

As part of my role as Clinical teaching fellow this year I organised the 2017 BSMS career fair.  This was a brilliant night with over 220 students from years 1-5 and over 80 senior doctors in attendance to represent there specialities.

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Huge collection of NHS e-learning resources now available to more staff and students

Health Education England (HEE) has made the huge collection of e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) resources available through OpenAthens. Previously, it was only available to those with an NHS email address, which not all our students or teachers have. This change means that anyone with an OpenAthens account, or who is eligible for one (check your eligibility here), can now access the wide range of healthcare training packages.

e-lfh_program_iconseThe LfH Hub comprises over 30 online training sessions that “enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods, and provide a valuable reference point. They are designed and built to be engaging and interactive, using quality images, video, audio and animation to help trainees learn and retain knowledge. Content is presented using various templates such as ‘real-life’ scenarios, case studies and ‘knowledge bites’.”

Our medical students already use the Safeguarding Adults and the Safeguarding Children programmes. Might there be a topic that could be useful in your teaching?

Welcome to the new BSMS Teaching Support website

This is a new resource for anyone that teaches BSMS students – be that undergraduate or postgraduate; lecture or small group; clinic, ward, or community. Run by colleagues in the Department of Medical Education, you will find on the website a growing collection of:

  • Guidance on teaching methods
  • Resources and tools to support your teaching at BSMS
  • Sharing of real-life teaching experiences and tips
  • Signposting relevant training and development opportunities
  • News of relevant education research activities

As someone who teaches our students, you have been signed up to the website and to receive notifications of new content. If you want to stop receiving email notifications, just unsubscribe at the link below.

Do pass on the link to this site to any of your colleagues who might find it useful. If you have any suggestions or comments, post them in the Comments section on the website.

We are grateful for your teaching efforts and we hope you find the BSMS Teaching Support site helpful.