E-mail marketing

Email Marketing;

The e-mail that I am analysing is MyProtein. Before I talk about this e-mail, I think its important to note that I have purchased from this website last night before I received this e-mail this morning.

Firstly, this is not an e-mail I would typically click on because it seems to be a non-personalised generic sales newsletter sent to everyone on their mailing list. This is because it doesn’t mention my name anywhere on the e-mail or refer to any products, I was clicking on last time I was on their website.

The e-mail includes a very colourful, simplified screen capture of the website highlighting the categories of items they have on promotion with clear links that take me straight to the website. The links are accompanied by large pictures relating to each category with bold text overlayed telling me the sales prices relating to these products.

The layout of the e-mail looks professional and simplistic. The e-mail is informative and shows me exactly what areas of promotion I will find if I choose to follow the links. However, it’s only telling me a deal that applies to ‘over 200 products’ instead of actually catching my attention in terms of suggesting new products to me. For example, another e-mail I’ve received from Size? Includes lots of suggestions for new products or brands that I may be interested in looking at. This type of email is far more likely to spark my interest as I can scroll through several new products before potentially deciding to move over to their website whereas MyProtein didn’t get my engagement initially.

The landing page for the MyProtein links depends on which link is click. The logo takes me straight to the website homepage, on the other hand clicking on product related links take me to the page of the product category.

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