Month: May 2016

The importance of good management of the effects of social media’s on the reputation of small businesses | Digital Marketing Blog

Social media is now a major force in today’s society with people of all ages, backgrounds and social groups. Fuchs (2014) explains that now more than ever we need to understand social media and the impact it is having on our lives and how it is such a useful marketing tool if used effectively. Fuchs…Continue Reading The importance of good management of the effects of social media’s on the reputation of small businesses | Digital Marketing Blog

The Language of Social Media: The Power of The Hashtag | eren gencler

Today, hashtags are used in almost all other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Hashtags are widely used to define a shared context for specific events, topics, or meme (Ma et al, 2012). On most social media websites, a hashtag is translated into a clickable link that enables an easy search…Continue Reading The Language of Social Media: The Power of The Hashtag | eren gencler

What is the key for successful loyalty programs? | Chris’s Digital Marketing Blog

First, we have to understand the purpose of the program. What are we trying to achieve? What are we trying gain? If we don’t know this then we are potentially throwing money at something with no guaranteed return. Nunes & Drèze (2006a) give five core strategic drivers for the use of loyalty programs. Encouraging additional…Continue Reading What is the key for successful loyalty programs? | Chris’s Digital Marketing Blog

Game of Phones | Digital Marketing blog

How Phones have evolved with Marketing…Mise en scène; Imagine you are in town waiting for a bus. It’s evening time, so of course the bus stop is packed out with dreary commuters trying to return home. There are a vast number of differences between each of them, for example, attire career, salary, home, family etc….Continue Reading Game of Phones | Digital Marketing blog

Creating Community in a Digital World | Laura Emily Katharine Maclean

The level at which you utilize your networks can decide how your customers interact with you. Passive use see’s Facebook pages left like brochures for customers to read at leisure or never. Somera (2014) found that 70% of corporate Facebook’s actively AFFINITY-PERSONAL-INTERACTIONrespond to their customer comments, increasing their interactivity, rather than just having regular posts….Continue Reading Creating Community in a Digital World | Laura Emily Katharine Maclean