The not so standard email click-through rate advice. | lol10’s blog

Having read and researched the different ways you can improve email click-through rates, it seems as though it would be hard not to achieve an increase. However, it’s something that many organisations still grapple with and are constantly looking to improve but the advice out there quite often seems repetitive and ticks the boxes of all the things you’re already doing. So let’s explore some of the more alternative less ‘run-of-the-mill’ ideas and tips for cranking up the click-throughs of your emails.

It’s all in the mind.

As with all human behaviour there is a complex psychological chemistry at work. By simply tweaking your content to ensure that the wording used is positive and enlightening can increase the engagement and click-through, in some cases it’s even been raised by as much as 22% (Beashel, 2014a).

Beashel (2014b) also argues for the power of intrigue and curiosity within emails. Tempting the reader with snippets of information which leaves them just having to know more – these are often found on banner ads too, or sites such as Buzzfeed, whereby you’re left thinking that your life just simply couldn’t go on without this juicy piece of “life changing” info.

via The not so standard email click-through rate advice. | lol10’s blog.

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